10 Questions with ... Alvin Clay
March 20, 2007
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NAME:Alvin ClayTITLE:OM/PDSTATION:WHAT-AMARKET:Philadelphia (#7)COMPANY:Marconi Broadcasting Co., LLCBORN:Philadelphia SuburbsRAISED:Philadelphia Suburbs
This is my first radio industry job. Previously, I have run my own business providing technology, multimedia, marketing, and consulting services to a variety of businesses local and national. Main services were web development, graphic design, audio/video production. I also worked with local artists recording/producing albums and management services, and I was a DJ in Philadelphia bars/clubs.
Self-employed, multimedia business.
Cassette - MC Hammer & Vanilla Ice, CD - Kraftwerk, Album - Led Zeppelin II
Dave Matthews Band
1. How did you become interested in radio?
I have always been interested in music, but specifically radio when I got my first AM only alarm clock. I'd spend the night in my room just seeing what I could hear or get to tune in which was usually oldies or the sports games. When I finally got an FM radio as an early teenager, I started doing the same dial surfing trying to find music discovering stations like WPRB Princeton and the old WDRE. I had a radio show in college at Villanova but didn't think about a career in radio until this opportunity came along, which is great fit for what I had been doing on my own but also a lot of fun.
2. How did Skin Radio originate?
Skin Radio is the concept developed by station owner and GM Tom Kelly. After doing a lot of research in this market he found that there were a large number of people that had nowhere to turn to on the radio. They also were interested in a lot of music, little DJ chatter, and little commercial load. We launched this format after the recent purchase of WHAT was completed.
3. Explain the Skin Radio concept?
The concept is an experiment. Alternative music, AM radio, HD, online streaming. The production and programming is being done by non-radio people (like myself) who might have fresh ideas on what radio can be and don't have any preconceptions on what should or shouldn't be done on a radio station. We are going to try a lot of things that are different, this is an experiment. We are playing a lot of music, we have little on-air talk, and we plan to limit the commercial load. We also are focused on Philadelphia as our local community and are featuring Local Bands and Local Poets every hour all day.
4. How would you describe the music on the station?
The music is Alternative, but not necessarily just Alt Rock. It is Alternative Music. Sure it is mostly rock, indie, modern, but you'll hear hip hop, reggae, jam bands, AAA artists, and of course local music.
5. How much new music are you playing? What is your ratio of currents and gold?
I am playing a lot of new music. In the past year or two, there has been a great influx of awesome bands and they all provide a great sound to the station. But I also play a lot from '80s, 90s, and early '00s that is also great music but can't be heard on the air here anymore or at least not regularly. The ratio is probably 60/40 new/old, but we have a moving target and that shifts.
6. What would surprise people the most about the station?
Probably that we are an Alternative station on AM geared towards 18-30 college, post-college adults.
7. How are you marketing the station?
The first few weeks were strictly word of mouth and through our website and myspace pages. We are now being more proactive in the marketing approach with billboards and direct mail campaigns. We also are going to be driving the station vehicle all around the city doing HD radio demonstrations and partnering/sponsoring with a variety of local events and venues to get on the street and in front of our potential listeners.
8. Are there plans to have a fulltime air-staff?
We do plan on slowly adding voice tracked on-air talent, but not in the traditional time slotted way (i.e. morning show, afternoon drive, night, etc.). The music is the star of this station and any on-air talent will be there to complement the music and not upstage it. It is there to make a personal connection to the listeners, but not talk all day.
9. What are your goals for the station in 2007?
My goal is to have every young adult in Philadelphia know that they can find Alternative music back on the air on our station, and continue to tune the sound of the station so anyone who tunes in will always think "Wow, this is different, but I like it." The business goals are to be profitable, and I hope to create the product that will be profitable.
10. Fill in the blank: I can't make it through the day without _________?
Plenty of water and some sleep.
Bonus Questions
What are your hobbies?
When I have time for hobbies these days? When it's warmer and less snowy out, I like to stay active running, biking, etc. Love movies and concerts. I'm also a huge Philly sports fan and am always going to games or watching on TV whatever sports season it is.