10 Questions with ... Tim Noble
December 4, 2007
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'96 -- Started as production intern while still in school at WQBK/Albany.
'97 -- Given weekend shift and specialty shows on WQBK and board op shift on WQBK-A. Then moved up to Stern Board Op.
2001 -- Nights on WRRV/Newburgh and weekends at WQBK.
2002 -- Mornings then afternoons at WKRD/Albany.
2004 -- APD/MD/Imaging/Promotions/Nights at WKRL/Syracuse.
2007 -- PD/MD/Afternoons at WHRL.LAST NON-INDUSTRY JOB:
Stone Temple Pilots - Core and Pearl Jam - Ten
ZZ Top at Saratoga Performing Arts Center
Stone Temple Pilots
1. How did you become interested in radio?
I went to school for Music Performance, but realized I sucked as a musician and dropped out. I saw a Z-Rock remote at McDonalds, got a free CD, heard a radio school commercial, and thought to myself, "I can go to school to hang out at McDonalds and give out free CDs!"
2. What was your favorite station to listen to when you were a kid?
Z-Rock, WZRQ here in Albany. The station was insane to a 16-17 year old dude who wanted his metal hard and fast, had long hair, and drove an old beat up truck with beer cans in the back.
3. What's one thing that would surprise many people to learn about you?
I hate most people and most records. Wait you already know about that.
Also, I like Rod Stewart.
4. What part of your job do you like best? Least?
Best: I like telling reps their records suck.
Least: Playing their records when they prove to me I was wrong.
5. What would an outsider find most surprising about the Albany radio market?
That seven radio stations play the same music, and we hate John Tesh.
6. How would you describe the music and imaging on WHRL?
Musically the station just ROCKS!!! As do the people who listen. Imaging: we have one of the best voices out there, Malcolm Ryker, and one of the best imaging guys in the biz, Marc Pinieri. The Imaging is fast with very little interruption.
7. What makes WHRL unique?
The fact that we have a morning show that plays music instead of four hours of lame talk. When my morning guy Jason Keller opens the mic, it's going to be good, every time. Then he plays another hit song.
8. Fill in the blank: I can't make it through the day without__________?
My homeboy (son) and DD coffee. (Is asking for free coffee illegal? Will I have to write a letter?)
9. What is the one truth that has held constant throughout your career?
I'll never say no to work, give it all to me and I will get it done, and done right.
10. What career path would you be following had it not been for this industry?
Bonus Questions
What are your hobbies?
I can't tell you because the "law" will find out.