10 Questions with ... Tami Morrissey
September 14, 2010
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Epitaph, Hits Magazine, and some other indie labels...
1. How did you become interested in the record business?
I love music, I was in a band, and I married a radio dork!
2. What do you like best about working at Epitaph?
There are a few things: 1. DOGS in the office (we got the 2010 Peta award for the most animal friendly label); 2. The people who make up the Epitaph family; 3. The Artists/Music.
3. What is the impact of Weezer signing to the label?
It is still so new... I think it will give other bands a look at what can be achieved at an Indie label.
4. What may surprise people the most to learn about Epitaph?
That we are in an amazing old Trolley building that was built in Los Angeles at the turn of the 19th Century. There are 37 employees and we put out as many records as some Major labels.
5. Where do you get your greatest pleasure in doing record promotion?
When I get a hug from Brett for an add I worked hard for.
6. What is the toughest part of your job?
Not getting my way.
7. Where is your favorite market you like to visit and why?
I don't have a favorite market. But I would like to go to Hawaii. I think they need to hear some new Bad Religion!
8. What would surprise people the most about you?
I am really as mean as you have heard.
9. Fill in the blank: I can't make it through the day without _______ ?
10. If you were to leave the record business today and you could choose any other occupation, what would it be?
Jewelry designer and animal rescue (oh wait, I do that already on the side).
Bonus Questions
What are your hobbies?
I have so many hobbies. My friend calls me a shark. I have to keep moving or I will die.
Last non-industry job?
Jewelry designer
First record ever purchased?
I really don't remember.
First concert?
Allman Bothers when I was a wee tot!
Favorite band of all-time?
I have so many favorite bands I really couldn't name one. I still love a great Punk Rock band!