Thanks Giving
November 21, 2008
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Rather than rant and rave and hash out topics key to the Christian format today, I feel the need to go a different way this week. You see the past few months have included a collage of conversations with colleagues in the general market side of radio.
Here are some quotes:
"OMG, it's like a morgue around here. In the hallways you'd think you stepped into the inner circle of Hell!"
"Hey, you remember the morning host, your mentor years ago? Yeah, ratings are in the tank and if you can't pull figures then they can't afford you. Crazy times!"
"I cannot believe it. An entire air staff laid off!!! I used to listen to him when I was a kid!!!"
"Well, I am OK for now. The consulting I've been doing has been for free a lot of times. I am seen as a luxury for a station."
And my favorite: "OMG, be thankful you found a niche format like your 'God music thing' you are doing. Stay there! Don't leave it (echo, echo, echo, fading, fading)."
So! With this Bully Pulpit, I'd just like to say a giant "Thanks, God!" The fact that Christian radio has for the most part stayed relatively strong and growing. Granted, Salem is in a whirlwind but that's the nature of what it is (business). And most of the Sharathons I've heard about lately are 50 percent, 80 percent, 60 percent, etc. That's not good.
But for the most part, across the board, a lot of Christian stations have not been as wasteful with money -- that's why they can survive this typhoon. And I also believe that God's hand (for now) has rested comfortably upon this format.
So this is a post of thankfulness to God for his blessings and until next week,