Objects In Mirror May Be Closer Than They Appear
July 4, 2008
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It's all about perspective.
What you see is colored greatly by how and from what vantage point you are looking. A giant building can look like a miniature as you drive across the Bonneville Salt Flats. And a small scale city can look like a full fledged metropolis if filmed from the proper angle.
It's all a matter of perspective.
Your eyes tell your mind what you are seeing and you then make assumptions and draw conclusions. But we seldom consider our perspective during this process.
We most often see what we see, and then think. It's a pretty simple process. But it can lead to wrong conclusions.
Driving down the highway, we glance over into our passenger side mirror to determine if it's safe to change lanes.That tractor trailer looks 8-10 car lengths behind us. Safe enough, we can assume. But wait! Those little letters on the mirror; what do they say? 'Objects in mirror may be closer than they appear.' Hmmm. Maybe I better take a furtive glance over my shoulder, just to be sure. Whoops!
Those little letters on the mirror are right! Objects CAN be closer than they appear! That truck is not nearly as far behind me as I thought. I better either speed up or wait awhile to change lanes. Glad that warning was on that mirror. That could have been bad!
Wouldn't it be great if we had that warning posted on OTHER areas of decision making? Is the current course of action correct? Should we change the direction for our business? Should I hire more staff? Should I fire the ones I have? Is the idea that seemed AMAZING six months ago working? Does the microwave popcorn really need another two minutes???
If only we had this 'mirror' reminder about PERSPECTIVE in other areas of life.That major decision that is weighing on our mind just MIGHT look different from another vantage point. Have you looked in the driver side mirror? The rear view? Have you glanced over your shoulder? Have you asked your passengers if THEY see anything coming? Are you certain the change you are about to make is right at this time? Or are you relying only on your spectacular driving ability and keen sense of vision to get you through?
Remember, objects in mirror may be closer than they appear. And that "tractor trailer" is going to be none too forgiving should you two occupy the same piece of highway at the same time.
Buckle up. And please drive safely.