10 Questions with ... Adie
February 8, 2010
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- BEC Recordings
- Just You and Me
- Don't Wait
1) How has life changed since the release of "Don't Wait"?
It's been three years since the release of "Don't Wait" and life has changed in many ways. We have experienced many times of joy and sorrow, life and death. I now have two beautiful girls. I'm incredibly blessed to have been married for six years. We moved from Indiana to Tennessee and have had the opportunity to travel all over the world. I feel like I have grown so much in my walk with the Lord, especially as I continue in the journey of marriage and parenting.
I feel like God has used it all for me to evaluate what is in my heart and to be the best example I can be to my girls. I often ask them, "Are you adding peace or chaos?" and so many times I feel the Lord whispering to me, "Adrienne, are you adding peace or chaos?" I feel like in helping the girls make wise decisions and look ahead to the consequences, that in many ways it has been life lessons for me too. I have definitely learned that I cannot start a day without the Lord and I desperately need his help to live unselfishly and effectively. I also feel like God has given Jeremy and me a deeper understanding and vision for what ministry is. We're both so desperate for more of what he has in store for us.
2) Tell us about the story behind the current single "Where Could I Go."
This is a great reminder to me that no matter how much we go through in life and how weary we can feel, that there is no place too far away that God can't reach us. At the end of the day there is no better place for us to go than into the Lord's arms. It reminds me of Psalm 139, where it says, "Where can I go from your Spirit, where can I flee from your presence? If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there." I'm thankful everyday, despite my heart sometimes and the things I still need to learn and grow in, that God loves us so much that He is always there for us and His grace never wears out."
3) What was the inspiration behind the new album "Just You and Me"?
I had been leading worship at our church for about a year and a half and so it felt natural for me to record something more "worship" orientated (as in the style). The Lord has really been speaking to me about pursuing him and making a disciplined effort to lay all distractions aside and just to sit at his feet. These are just a few of the songs that have resonated with my heart. They all mean something special to me and have ministered to and encouraged me in some way.
4) What might surprise us, musically or lyrically, on the new album? What will we hear from Adie Camp?
I hope you will be pleasantly surprised by the lyrics and depth of the album. It really is such a true reflection of my heart right now. I don't want to say that you'll be blown away by it, but I'm extremely happy with how it turned out and I love it for what I got out of it in being able to worship the Lord. The guys who played on the album are incredible musicians and I think they did an amazing job in what they added to it, too.
5) Do have a favorite song on the new project?
There are actually quite a few: "Seek You," "Redemption Song," "Reach" and "Soon." I actually love them all. Probably the most meaningful to me right now though is "Shelter." I had a miscarriage in my second trimester in the middle of the recording process and this song ministered to me so much. It says, "Oh God I need you, I need you here with me. I know you hear me. You're my hope all of my days." It goes on to speak about the Lord being the protector of our soul. It was a really hard and sad time for us, but at the same I felt God's incredible love in a depth that I have never experienced before. It truly has been just me and him and me sitting at his feet through all this.
6) Who inspires personally, musically and/or spiritually?
I don't mean this in a clichéd way at all, but the life of Jesus himself. I'm in awe and I love to read about how he handled things and how he modeled true Christianity and humility to us. I'm inspired by his word and the grace, love and redemption that he has shown to me.
My husband inspires me by his life and heart for the Lord, and so does his family. His mom and dad have been the best example I could ever choose to watch and I feel challenged to live more whole-heartedly for the Lord every time I'm with them.
My girls inspire me, too, because I want to legitimately live a life of love and humility before them. I can only do that when I'm really seeking the Lord and reading his word. So, in a roundabout way, they hold me accountable.
7) Any funny, inspiring or interesting stories that you can tell us from your visits to radio stations in past or present days?
I cannot think of any. It's been a while!
8) What's ahead on your musical calendar?
I'll be heading on the road with Jeremy and opening the show for him this spring. Also, I'll be recording backgrounds for his new worship album coming out this year.
9) Do you have time to listen to much music? What other artists are you listening to right now?
Not really a whole lot personally. Unless I'm heading into the studio, then it's just to refresh my creativity and it'll be geared towards what vibe I'm aiming towards. The girls and I skip through the Christian radio stations around Nashville quite a bit. A lot of the artists are actually our friends and so they'll shout out, "Yay! Jeff and Mike!" from Tenth Avenue North or "Mom, it's Matt!" from Sanctus Real or "It's Daddy!!" [smile]
10) Take a quick second to brag on your two kids. What cute things are they saying or doing these days?
Although Arianne is quite the comedian in our family, these stories just happen to both be about Bella.
Recently, my family from South Africa was in town and one night Jeremy and I put the girls to bed a little early to run a couple errands, obviously leaving the girls in the care of four other adults. Bella (our 5-year old) wanted me to lie down with her, but I told her I couldn't because we were in a bit of a rush before the grocery store closed. Scoldingly, she says to me, "Are parents allowed to leave their kids alone?" It might have been funnier at the time, but it was quite an unexpected and humorous comment coming from my very concerned 5-year old.
Also recently, Bella told us she wanted to see a vocal coach because she'd lost her high voice. So I asked her what she meant and she took me to the piano and started hitting the very top notes and attempted squeaking out her highest notes possible. "See," she said, "I can't do it. I need her to give me back my high voice." [smile]