10 Questions with ... Tyler 'On The Radio' Ryan
April 30, 2007
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TITLE:Music Director / Afternoon DriveSTATION:WWNUMARKET:Columbia, SCCOMPANY:Double OBORN:Keene, NHRAISED:Keene, NH
1) What makes your station or market unique? How does this compare to other markets or stations you have worked at?
I am lucky enough to work for a smaller group, which doesn't follow the standard "corporate radio" mold. We have control on the local level to program a radio station that is focused on OUR specific listeners. If we come up with a great promotion, or find a record that would work in our market, we can add it. It really has an old school feel about it.
2) How is the relationship between programmer and record label changing? For better or worse?
I think that there is more of a long-term relationship building between the two. "Love" can no longer be bought by the labels. If a label needs a "favor" or is working a project that is really important, but there isn't the room, or the chart success that would ensure airplay, it often comes down to the relationship that is built between the programmer and the rep. Out of the blue calls offering trips, iPods, etc. to curry favor are over. We have to go back to the basic fundamentals of human interaction. The old adage about being mindful that the ass you kick today being the one you need to kiss tomorrow really comes to life. There are programmers who try to bully the labels, which often comes back to bite them. Not unlike the symbiotic relationship with the sales department, we have to all accept the fact that we need each other. Both sides need to build on that, and make both music and radio better.
3) Besides your own, what is your favorite radio format?
80's. I wanted to have an 80's station in the early 90's when all the great hair bands and rockers started to disappear. They all looked at me like I was crazy-now who's crazy???
4) What's your take on current music? Is it as good as six months ago, better, or about the same? Elaborate.
There seems to be a couple of movements in the format, both of which I think are going to continue to help the format grow. First, there has always been a loose tie between country and southern rock / rock. We have artists like Bon Jovi and John Mellencamp looking release country records, and I am sure I am not the only one to find it odd coming out of Alan Jackson, and going into "The new one from John Mellencamp." There are also hybrid bands like Van Zant, who still have that southern rock feel. The second trend I am seeing is the unapologetic songs, "Redneck side of me," and "100% Cowboy" etc. They are performers who are not ashamed to be who they are. I love it!!!
5) Tell us what music we would find on your car or home CD player (or turntable) right now and what is it you enjoy about that particular selection?
Bon Jovi, not sure which one, but it is a safe bet. The band was my first musical influence. I burned through two Slippery When Wet cassettes in 1986. It was just a fun time for music, and for me. Ah yes, the '72 Dodge Dart Swinger.
6) What was the biggest gaffe you've made on air? (dead air ... forget a mic was still on ... etc.)
Oh, now that is a long list, dead air, almost fill in the call letters and day part, open mic and hmmm, now I can share this HYTPOTHETICAL story. There was this evening jock, who had tried to pull off a great phone bit with some flair. This bit, as so often happens came off in a less than the desired way. This jock then turned off the mic (OR THOUGHT HE DID) and said to himself with an outside voice "You really F&*ked that S^%$T up," just as he realized his mic was on, the hotline flashed. He picked up the line to hear the voice of Bob McNeill asking if there was "any reason you feel the need to swear on my radio station?" As legend goes, the jock said "Bob, do I need to come into work tomorrow?" The answer, although I still don't know why was "yes." Rule of thumb: BEFORE ANY SELF CRITIQUE, MAKE SURE THE MIC IS OFF!!!!!!
7) Please describe the best or worst promotion you've ever been part of?
Broadcasting from a state fair, during afternoon drive, with a budget that included NO part time money for board ops. I voice tracked the "live" breaks, and headed out. I didn't really think about the crowd that might be milling about the remote site. So when the breaks came, I jumped in the truck and lip-synched as best I could. Love no budget radio! Not for nothing, but, and this is no lie, duct tape held the mic in place in the studio. Now THAT is great radio!
8) How do you position the station musically and why did you choose this direction?
We are positioned as the NEW country station. Although we have only been on the air a little over two years, the NEW refers to the country we play, not our longevity. Referring back to our ability to take chances on great music, we have an opportunity to expose listeners to tunes long before a more conservative station can. We also have a sister "Legends" station, which bookends the competition.
9) Over the years, we've had the "British Invasion," "Disco," "New Wave," "Rap & Hip Hop," "Boy Bands," and many other genres & sub genres of music take off. What do you think is the next emerging music trend?
As mentioned above, I think some sort of hybrid rock / country genre.
10) As you look back over your career ... any regrets? Missed opportunities?
There are always "missed opportunities." Moving around, taking or passing on gigs is just like sitting at a blackjack table. I guess that although there may have been different choices I would have made with hindsight, the very fact that I had opportunities in a business with so many people without opportunities, I can only be thankful I had choices to make.
Bonus Questions
1) What did you want to be when you were growing up?
As sad as it sounds, a freeking Radio DJ.
2) What "reality show" could you see yourself appearing on and why?
I would love fear factor's stunts, but I just don't think I could swallow bull eyes and roaches.
3) You just won the lotto and you have your boss on the line. What's the first thing that you would say?
If I don't get a raise, I am walking, RIGHT NOW!