10 Questions with ... Chris Hicks
June 11, 2007
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NAME:Chris HicksTITLE:MD/Chief Engineer/Morning Show TalentSTATION:WMXO (Mix 101.5)MARKET:Olean, NYCOMPANY:Pembrook Pines Media GroupBORN:Charleston, WV on October 11, 1972 @ approx 10:11PM
Please outline your radio career so far:
WVSR (1994-1996)
WVAF (1996-1997)
WVSR (1998-2000)
WVSR (2002-2004)
WBRR (2004-2005)
WMXO (2005-present)1) What was your first job in radio?
I worked as morning show producer for Bob (Campbell) & Josh (Knauer) for 1 1/2 years. I then I worked the board under Bill Shahan (PD at the time). Then I moved into Engineering as an to assistant (Noel Richardson) by replacing capacitors in the old "Cart Decks"
2) If you are wearing more hats this year than last, what area is suffering and how are you handling it?
Since our former PD (Aaron James) took his leave, I had to step up to the plate. I have been doing the following: Morning Show (6a-12p)/MD/Chief Engineer. We have one other full time op (Tom Power 12-7), and one part-time op (Holly Rose 7p-12a), and I delegate certain tasks that I did before I became the MD...since then the PD position has been put back into the ether.
3) What led to your station's recent ratings increase?
One word..."Aaron James." Our previous PD helped mold the station to be #2 in the market...and since we could never be #1, well...he gets credit for what he did.
4) What is the best advice you would give to young programmers/promotion people?
Know your product. Know your staff, and best of all know yourself. Knowing yourself, and learning from others is the key to success wherever you go. Knowledge is power...give sage advice. Absorb all the knowledge you can handle. You'll go somewhere with that.
5) How do you feel terrestrial radio competes with the satellite radio and Internet these days?
Satellite and the Internet are slow. I mean, come on...it takes time to encode the signal, hit a bird or backbone, then you receive the signal, decode it and play it...the audio is good, but there is NO LOCALITY. I love the locality of terrestrial radio, and being able to inform the masses listening that something is happening right then and there in their market...not 5-10 seconds later via bird or network. Audio might be better and widely dispersed on satellites and the net, but if it weren't for the "radio trendsetters," there wouldn't be the "alternate" types of radiating audio out there to the masses.
6) Describe the relationship you have with your fellow co-workers? How do you motivate your staff to do better? How do they motivate you?
I have a VERY good relationship with my on-air staff being the eldest (34), with the youngest being 21. As for the "suits" ...(shudder), I get along nicely with them. I motivate my staff with "constructive criticism." Never use anything degrading to teach. Make the person laugh, and they will remember you. My fellow staff members motivate me in more ways than one. Especially when it comes to new ideas and ways of doing things...as they say..."You are never too old to learn anything."
7) Do you have any musical guilty pleasures?
Don't we all? I LOVE the 80's, and some Euro stuff. But I do HAVE to cater to the demographic the station caters to.
8) What "Reality Show" could you see yourself appearing on and why?
Survivor. I was nicknamed "MacGyver" back in high school, and I also had a sense of humor. In Survivor, I would help keep morale up, and solve problems with a Swiss army knife, a click-pen, and duct tape...(those items are what's keeping us on the air at the moment, but don't let the FCC on to it.)
9) What do you plan to do different this year, regarding work, family, or both?
Trying to leave work at 2pm, compared to 4-5pm since I get there at 4am anyways for our morning show. Now that there is a delegation of duties, I'll get some time now to spend with my family. Hopefully.
10) What is the one truth that has held constant throughout your career?
It is NOT the people you know, BUT the people that know YOU.
Bonus Questions
1) What do you do in your spare time?
Cook, Amateur Radio, play with my three year old, play music (cd's and keyboard), being with wife, daughter, and two cats.
2) What is your favorite TV show?
Heroes. Hands down. Call it my "sci-fi soap opera."
3) Cat or Dog person?
Had both, loved all of them, but now have a cat. (Furry goldfish are the only thing allowed in the apartments at this time).