10 Questions with ... Ken Misch
July 2, 2007
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NAME:Ken MischTITLE:PD/MDSTATION:B95 WDKB-FM (94.9)MARKET:Dekalb, Illinois (West of Chicago, South of Rockford)COMPANY:Dekalb County Radio LTD. (Locally owned and operated!)BORN:1970, Chicago. (My mom was watching the Apollo 13 Mission unfold when I arrived...perhaps an omen!)RAISED:Chicago & St. Charles, Illinois. (The Burbs, baby!)
Please outline your radio career so far:
WFXW-AM/1987-1992 (on-air, Production Director)
WDKB-FM/1992-1997 (on-air, Production Director)
WFXW-AM/1997-1998 (on-air, Production Director...imagine 10 years crammed into one, miserable one!)
WDKB-FM/1998 - PRESENT (PD/MD/on-air)
Two stations - back and fourth since '87. I know...I'm in some radio parallel universe!1) What led you to a career in radio? Was there a defining moment, which made you realize "this is it"?
I watched my friend, Jon Howat, while he was on the air. He was doing some whacky character voice bit, involving an empty tennis ball can. It was at that moment I thought, "Hell, I can do that!" I went to the sporting goods store the very next day.
2) What career path would you be following had it not been for this industry?
I'd be a struggling writer. I've always wanted a sport coat with those patches on the elbows.
3) How do you position the station musically and why did you choose this direction?
We're a bright AC and it's a good reflection of the community. The area is exploding with young families and the bright AC format gives us a lot of room to move and have some fun! This isn't your momma's AC!
4) How do you stay in touch with the latest music trends?
I use the Internet...a lot!
5) What do you think about the new royalty rate increases for Internet Radio?
I think the RIAA and dinosaurs are remarkably similar beasties. The RIAA is huge, ferocious, and doesn't have its own house in order. Yet it insists on lashing out in all directions like some sort of wounded...dinosaur! I hope the RIAA gets creative and conciliatory. As Mr. Dylan said, "You'd better start swimming or you'll sink like a stone." Internet radio/streaming is good for everybody involved!
6) What is your favorite radio station outside of the market and why?
I have two, both in New York City. WLTW and WPLJ. Jim Ryan and Scott Shannon are indeed radio Gods. I'm also an Oldies geek, so I really like Scott's "True Oldies Channel."
7) What's the closest you ever came to getting arrested for an on-air stunt? Or did you actually get arrested?
I don't recommend after-hours, unauthorized remotes from cemeteries. Although, like a lot of things, it seemed like a good idea...at the time!
8) Most of us have known or even worked for a "colorful" owner/GM/air talent. Care to share a story? (The names can be changed to protect the innocent).
The first GM I worked for had narcolepsy. He would come into the studio, sit down, start talking and then fall asleep. A little surge of the monitor volume and he'd wake up and start talking mid-sentence. It was a weird situation, but his heart was in the right place...and he was the first guy who paid me to be on the radio!
9) In today's world of multi-tasking and wearing many hats, how do you find time to show prep and what sources do you use?
Show prep and programming ideas hit me whenever. I write it all down (good and bad) and then edit the hell out of my notes.
10) What is the one truth that has held constant throughout your career?
"Less is more." Keep it simple. Not just radio...everything!
Bonus Questions
1) In your opinion, what is the greatest song ever that never made it as a hit?
Romeo's Daughter "Don't Break My Heart." It was Mutt Lange perfecting the "Shania-sound" long before Shania was in the picture. Look it up and tell me I'm wrong!
2) What are your three favorite artists or songs of this year?
I only have one so far...Emerson Hart "If You're Gonna Leave." It's really good and it will not leave my head.
3) What is your favorite TV show?
"Lost," which makes sense because when I was a kid, my favorite shows were "Land Of The Lost" and "Gilligan's Island.
4) What is your favorite TV Commercial?
There's a new Old Spice spot with legendary B-movie actor Bruce Campbell. He "lounges up" "Hungry Like The Wolf." Hail to the King, baby! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yg6bZSM48vU -