10 Questions with ... Lynne White
June 19, 2007
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NAME:Lynne WhiteTITLE:Radio Talk Show Host, Henican and WhiteSTATION/NETWORK: WORMARKET:New York and nationalCOMPANY:Buckley RadioBORN:N.J.RAISED:Montclair, N.J.
Started in radio- moved to TV (KTVI/St. Louis, WICS/Springfield, WNYW-TV and WPIX/New York). Three Emmys for TV anchoring- now in radio.
1. After all those years in TV news, how did your radio work come about- why radio?
I filled in for Joan Hamburg a few years ago. Bob Grant was retiring and the station was looking for something new and different for pm drive. They auditioned me with a few different people and found what they liked with me and Ellis Henican. We have been the PM drive team ever since.
2. About what are you most passionate these days?
The war in Iraq- I think it should end.
3. As a news anchor and reporter, you have to maintain objectivity. As a radio host, you don't. Is it hard to adjust from one medium where you have to restrain your opinions to another where you can, and are expected to, say what's on your mind?
No, I have always been vocal about what I believe in. This is a natural progression.
4. I've asked Ellis about working with you, so I'll do the same with you- what's the best thing about working with Ellis?
He is great. He knows a lot about every issue. He is a real pro.
5. You're a film buff, so... if you could only choose one movie for a "desert island flick," which would it be?
"Once Upon A Time In America."
It's long and pushes the button on many issues and emotions. I think it was one of De Niro's best films.
6. Who are your heroes?
My father. He is truly a brilliant unsung hero. He holds 10 patents on everything from the plastic in plastic baggies to additives in rocket fuel and he has no fame and no glory. He is 83 with two replaced knees and he gets in his car to travel many miles each day to teach math to inner city high school students in Newark, New Jersey.
It doesn't get any better than that in my book.
7. Of what are you most proud?
My career. I hope I have helped people to know more about the world and to make the right choices when it comes to living the good life. I am still working on doing that in a much broader way. Life is filled with ups and downs and curve balls. It's how you catch them that counts.
8. What do you do for fun?
9. Fill in the blank: I can't make it through the day without____________.
...hugging my two maltese dogs. They are the light of my life. So much unconditional love.
10. What's the best advice you've ever gotten? The worst?
Best advice: Stop beating up on yourself so much. I tend to be a perfectionist in an imperfect body.
Worst advice: Stay with a husband who was abusive many years back- I didn't take the advice and I got out of the marriage.