10 Questions with ... Jonathan Green
November 27, 2007
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NAME:Jonathan GreenTITLE:Radio PersonalitySTATION:WTMJWTMJ-AMMARKET:Milwaukee, WICOMPANY: Journal Broadcast GroupBORN:Cleveland, OH 1944RAISED:Shaker Heights, OH
WVBR (Cornell U, Ithaca, NY) 1962-63, WGLD Chardon, OH 1964, WERE Cleveland 1964, WLEC Sandusky, OH 1964-65, WTVN Columbus, OH 1965-66, U S Army including 1-1/2yrs at AFN 1966-69, WTMJ Milwaukee, WI 1969-1981, WDAE Tampa 1981 (6-mo), WZUU Milwaukee 1981-1983, WTMJ 1981-present.
1. You started in the business in your native Cleveland area -- what attracted you to radio? Why radio?
I actually started on a college station. I saw radio as a way around my introversion, and through which I could practice humor as a pursuit. I quit college for the pursuit professionally.
2. About what are you most passionate these days?
I am more passionate about my outside interests than my radio practice and a lot of that involves my 2 granddaughters, 9 & 11: I ride a Harley and they are my passengers now. They ski with me in the winter. I am an active Christian, that is to say much of what I do and think about is Christ and God-centered. I love working on my property... hard grunt work that is very rewarding to me.
3. You describe yourself as a "disc jockey on talk radio." Explain that to the uninitiated: what kind of things differentiate you from a typical talk host? What kind of topics or features do you talk about that make a difference in the way the show sounds?
In my first, or DJ, portion of the career, I controlled the flow of the show, linking all of the elements, even the commercials, together into an entertainment package. My "show prep" was about 30-seconds ahead of their airing. It was intense, like playing a fast-paced sport. As WTMJ evolved into a talk format, I struggled to find my function. At that time WTMJ was also struggling to find its own new identity. Eventually, The Green House show (it's had that name forever) became a 3-person show. I describe it as 3 guys sitting around a table. Phil Cianciola has the news section and Bill Michaels has the sports section and they are "telling" (as opposed to "reading") me what they've found. I react to it. Sometimes they react as well. I think that the skill required of me here is just genuine curiosity.the ability to ask the question that the audience wants to ask, and to ad humor when appropriate.
4. You've built the Teddy Bear Patrol into an impressive juggernaut -- we've reported on the program's success before. How did you come to get involved in the program, and what has the success of your annual collection drive meant to you and the station?
WTMJ's promotion department deserves all the credit for Teddy Bear Patrol. Brenda Vento and Stephanie Rice do all the work. It was started by a Milwaukee police officer, Jim Storney, and we took it on. I am just the conduit through which it passes and expands because of the power of radio to motivate people. I think "Radio" in general has a much greater potential for audience motivation than it realizes, probably because the financial payback is not as obvious to the managers. TB Patrol's success demonstrates the long-term benefit of such efforts and it has always been sponsored.
5. You've been in the Milwaukee market since 1969 (minus a couple of years in Tampa) -- what's the best thing about living and working in Milwaukee? What about Milwaukee would surprise people who haven't visited there yet?
Milwaukee: it is not on the way to anywhere unless you are a vacationing Chicagoan, so you don't accidentally pass through, so chances are you have never been here by accident. We have no huge in and out flux. People here are connected to the place and to each other. I find the "glitter" cities full of dream-chasers, fleeing past and distant disappointments or failures. That was me in Tampa in 1981. I am glad I failed there early so I could get back home before Wisconsin forgot about me. This place is quirky, too. in a good way. And, proud. The city is beautiful, both naturally and architecturally. Summer here can't be beat! And, I think Wisconsin, with all of its lakes, rivers, forests, hills and valleys is among the best concentrations of scenic beauty in the world. What would surprise you? Everything, because we are not what you have perceived.6. Who are your radio influences?
J.P. Mc Carthy,
8. What do you do for fun?
See #2 above.
9. Fill in the blank: I can't make it through the day without ___________.
10. What's the best advice you've ever gotten? The worst?
Best: Buy Journal stock.
Worst: Can't think of any.