10 Questions with ... Stacy Cole
January 19, 2010
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- Began hosting a sports talk show on BlogTalkRadio in February 2008. Have been doing the show, in different versions, since then.
1. You're trying hosting a show on Internet radio; you've been doing it on and off for a couple of years now. What have you learned so far about doing shows on the Net; what are the pros and cons of doing it this way?
When it comes to doing the show, I don’t see much difference in how a show is done on the Net than it is done over the air. I come to the show prepared for any and all situations that may happen. The one big difference between over the air radio and Net radio is that we operate (depending on the show) with no delays to catch profanities from callers. You have to know your material inside and out. The biggest pro that I have found is the freedom to say what I want on my show without regard to someone in a position higher than me saying "you need to talk about this or that on your show today." The biggest con I have found is trying to build an audience. I work hard to put on a great show, and it becomes disappointing after awhile when you know you are doing well on the show with subject matter,delivery, etc. but you don’t see the number of people listening increasing.
2. About what are you most passionate these days?
Doing entertaining sports talk on every show; my wonderful wife, Lori and our 3 great children, Chip, Dakota and Ainsley, and enjoying life.
3. What makes you different from other hosts out there; what's your hook?
My hook is this: most talk hosts (whether sports or news/talk) come across as being angry about this or that, or analyzing numbers from the games. My entire approach to doing sports talk is to have fun with sports, since it is meant to be an escape from reality for a little while. Entertain, inform, may be get people to laugh. Talking about sports should be a source of fun, not a point of frustration for people.
4. What's inspired you to do this? Why radio? What makes you want to do a show?
As a kid, I was lucky enough to listen to 77 WABC with Dan Ingram, Johnny Donovan, Ron Lundy, Chuck Leonard and George Michael (RIP) and was amazed by what they did. After many years of avoiding what I really wanted to do, I finally decided in 2006 to pursue my childhood dream. Radio can be/should be a magical way of entertaining, if done the right way. I want to do radio to make money for whichever station wants to give this Internet talk show host a chance, and to put on an entertaining show. At my core, I am a class clown and want people to have a good time around me.
5. Where do you expect to see yourself in five years? Ten? What's the goal?
I want to be on a station somewhere a) making money for the station and myself; and b) putting on a great show every day, whether that is 5 or 10 years from now, or tomorrow.
6. Who are your mentors, influences, and heroes?
My mentors are Matthew Ternes and Kimo Gray at 820 WWBA/1040 WHBO in Tampa. When it comes to radio and how to do it, they know what they are talking about. I am extremely lucky to know both of them. My major influence is Tony Bruno. He showed me that you can do sports talk without being angry and upset about every little thing, which is not something you see very often in sports talk. Also, I credit Jack Harris, Tedd Webb and the previously mentioned DJ’s from 77 WABC.
7. What's the most embarrassing thing that ever happened to you?
Well, nothing to do with breaking the law, yet something I will pass on mentioning right now.
8. Of what are you most proud?
My 3 children and my wife.
9. Fill in the blank: I can't make it through the day without ________.
10. What's the best advice you've ever gotten? The worst?
The best advice: "Mr. Cole, you’ve got brass balls, keep ‘em"-from my Social Studies teacher in high school.
The worst advice: Almost anything I have tried to convince myself to do that I did not have a real passion for in life. Sometimes, my own advice has been my worst.