10 Questions with ... Quinn Alexander
November 28, 2017
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I started in radio in San Diego as a DJ on the Palomar College radio station KKSM, then in San Diego as a promotions assistant/board op for Entercom. From there I was the afternoon drive time talent, Music Director and severe weather announcer for KSOK in Ark City Kansas, as well as the morning show on their sister station 1033 the Mixx.
1) What do you do to maintain a positive mental attitude and stay motivated?
I listen to music. I hop in my car, put on some driving music and just drive. Sometimes I just drive 40 minutes, other times I drive for hours. It makes me at peace with my surroundings and puts me in the right mood to get out there and find that job I've been searching for.
2) How are you occupying your time, besides looking for a job?
I spend most of my days working on my podcast, working on my editing and production skills and learning all I can to grow my skills. I'm spending more time with my friends and family and working on my screenplay.
3) Some people get discouraged or enlightened with the business when they actually step out of it for a while. Tell us your observations from the outside.
I have gone through both actually. I started out confident that I would get a job right away but when that didn't happen I went through a stage of discouragement where I considered leaving radio altogether. It took some wise and some harsh words from people who I trust in the industry to make me realize that not having a job is something everyone goes through in this industry and I just had to realize that it was a test. Was I going to let my discouragement take over, or was I going to persevere?
4) Do you plan on sticking with radio?
Absolutely, there isn't an industry that I can think of that I'd rather be a part of.
5) What's the best way to get your foot in the door?
Take any job you can get even if it's not the one you want. If it's a street team job but you want to do programming, take it because you never know where it will lead. If you have the drive and the passion, the higher ups will take notice, and you just might love it.
6) What is the next job you'd like to obtain?
I would love to be on air again with possibly a music director stripe. I have done both of those in the past and loved it. Other jobs I'd enjoy: Promotions Coordinator, Production assistant or APD... essentially anything they would need but having an on air shift is the main goal.
7) Are you spending as much time listening to radio as you used to?
I'm actually listening to radio much more than I used to. I'm spending more time listening to the commercials and the DJ's rather than the music solely to learn the best w
8) Are you able to slow down and enjoy free time doing things with your family and friends that you probably did not have time to do while you were working?
Absolutely. While I was working in Kansas I lived 1200 miles away from my family and friends in California. But even though I missed everyone, knowing they were all cheering me on kept me going.
9) What do you miss most about music/radio? The least?
I miss the listener interaction the most, the getting out in the community and getting to know the people and the town. Hearing stories, seeing the excitement on their face when you surprise them with tickets, or lunch... nothing beats it. My least favorite thing about radio was, I was the severe weather guy, so whenever there was a tornado or thunderstorm, no matter the time of day, I had to head over to the station and report on it. I was fine with doing it... it just made my sleep schedule very sporadic, especially during the winter months.
10) Having been through all you have dealt with in this biz, what advice would you give people trying to break in?
Accept the fact that you will get a lot more "no's" than "yes's." You have to know you won't get your start in LA or New York. Tou'll have to move to a small town and work your way up, and know that there is nothing wrong with that.
Bonus Questions
Seen any great movies?
- Action: Hacksaw Ridge, The Equalizer, The Revenant.
- Superhero: Deadpool, Logan, Wonder Woman.
- Comedy: Monty Python's the Life of Brian, 21 and 22 jump street, RED.
- Romantic Comedy: The Proposal, The Big Sick, This Means War.