10 Questions with ... Crash
August 7, 2007
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NAME:Crash or Allen HarrisonLAST WITH:KZPS/DallasPHONE:214-796-2351EMAIL:crashwvbz@gmail.com
Please begin by giving us a brief career history ...
KZPS/Dallas Jun '05-Apr '07
WVBZ/Greensboro, NC Sep '01 til Jun '05
Star System Austin '98-'01
Plus stops as PD/mornings at KKTX Tyler, TX and Mornings KLUB Victoria TX. I'm still tracking for WVBZ and KLUB now.1. What do you do to maintain a positive mental attitude and stay motivated?
Well I'm a pretty laid back and easy goin' guy to start with. I know this isn't the end of the world. In reality, I think I kind of needed this downtime. I feel pretty refreshed. Now it's time to really start looking.
2. How are you occupying your time, besides looking for a job?
Well, "A Step-Up Lounge" is across the street from my house. They have happy hour from 7-11 ... that's AM!
3. Do you plan on sticking with the radio industry?
Absolutely. I've been doing it for 13 years now. Besides, I'm just a beauty school dropout.
4. What has been your best resource for finding out about job openings?
AllAccess is obviously good. Networking has really paid off, too. I was lucky enough to make a TON of contacts when I was voicetracking at Star System. PDs and jocks have all bounced around in the last seven to nine years, but I still stay in contact with some folks I've never even met face to face. I think we're all in this together. I met some guys in Fort Worth the other day who gave me two or three names and numbers.
5. What is the next job you'd like to obtain?
I've been doing afternoons for the last seven years; I like that daypart! I'm not opposed to mornings or any other time slot. I say that now, but I remember how much I hated that alarm when I WAS doing mornings! I wouldn't mind venturing into Country or Sports radio. I've been doing Rock or Classic Rock for the past decade. I wish I didn't know "Carry On My Wayward Son" was five minutes, 24 seconds long.
6. Are you finding salaries/benefits lower than you ever thought, about the same, or have you seen some pleasant surprises?
They are about the same as I expected. Bigger market doesn't always mean bigger paycheck. You gotta make your own deal, no matter where it is. There are smaller guys making great radio, and some bigger guys putting crap on the air.
7. With consolidation, there are definitely fewer jobs. How do you separate yourself from the pack?
Be a damn good jock, and be a good person in the halls. The more you can do, the better. This radio world is too small to be an asshole in the halls. Don't take it as an insult if you are asked to do a little more; you are WAY more valuable than the one-trick pony kinda guy.
8. Are you able to slow down and enjoy free time doing things with your family and friends that you probably did not have time to do while you were working?
I'm hanging with the kiddos a lot more. That was the whole reason for moving back to Texas a couple years back. But now I REALLY have more time! They're 13 and 11 and live a couple hours from me. Well, that is when they find time to pencil ol' Dad into THEIR schedules.
9. What do you miss most about radio?
I miss the relationships you build with listeners. There's a fine line between diehard listeners and prize pigs, but hey, if you are connecting with them, you are connecting with them! It helps when they DO spend money at the event you are hosting, too!
I also miss the teams you work with. To see everyone working toward a common goal and having it pay off in ratings and revenue is a nice feeling. I've been lucky with my last three PDs; Don Cristi, Tim Satterfield, and Duane Doherty are all guys that just let you do your job. I've also had great promotion teams here in Dallas and Greensboro, too. HEY, Bobby Black and Tom White!
10. Where do you see yourself in five years? Ten years?
That's hard to say. I'd love to stay in Texas ... or close. I don't really wanna get into the management side. Well, I don't wanna say that; if the situation was right, I'm sure I could be talked into it. I've been everything from overnight board op to mornings/PD. Is the term "seasoned pro" or "old fart?" I'll be watching my daughter graduate high school in five years ... and shitting my pants because my son will have a driver's license.
Bonus Questions
BONUS QUESTION: Care to contribute a low-cost recipe to our "ON THE BEACH" cookbook?
Egg noodles, a can of Rotel, a can of cream of whatever soup and some cooked chicken. Cook the noodles, mix everything else and top with cheese.
Oh, and it's fine to buy rotgut vodka as long as you don't skimp on the orange juice. Do screwdrivers constitute a recipe?