10 Questions with ... Fritz
September 11, 2007
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NAME:FritzTITLE:MD/nights/host 'Damnation Alley'STATION:WEBNMARKET:CincinnatiCOMPANY:Clear ChannelBORN:Anywhere USARAISED:New York
1) What was your first job in radio? Early influences?
I started out as a part-timer at WRRV Poughkeepsie, NY, so I grew up listening to New York City radio like K-Rock (glad it's back) and WNBC -- Stern and even Imus pre-Sharpton.
2) What led you to a career in radio? Was there a defining moment, which made you realize "this is it?"
I started to "get it" when I got my first PD gig in Ft Myers, FL. I guess that was my "this is it" moment. Twelve years later I don't know how to do anything else! I don't have enough talent to be a rock star. so radio was a way to be in the "biz."
3) Where do you see the industry and yourself five years from now?
I see a lot less bodies ... which sucks, but that's big business. I think people need to pick jobs where they see heritage. Also you have to be a multi-tasker to survive these days. You have to do more than an airshift to be valuable to a company these days; I knock on wood that in five years I'll be right where I am at WEBN.
4) How have the recent FCC regulations impacted the way you program your music and the station's dialogue on the air? What are your feelings about these recent changes?
It really hasn't changed the programming with the exception of making sure you have "radio edits" when necessary. As far as my show goes, I know how to push it right to the edge -- but I am aware enough to not cross the line. I can't afford a $320,000 fine for saying F*#K.
5) What makes your station or market unique? How does this compare to other markets or stations you have worked at?
This year we celebrated our 40th anniversary. The heritage of WEBN is like no other. I've never worked for a radio station where the mascot is the most recognizable figure in the city. You see the 'EBN frog everywhere. Our stickers don't even have the call letters on them. But once you see the frog you know it's 'EBN. Joel Moss does an incredible job of imaging the station. Our fireworks show draws over half-million people every year; we did it again this summer for our 40th.
6) How do you keep tabs on the competition? When your competition attacks you on the air, how do you react?
We're 'EBN ... we don't do a damn thing! If you attack us you'll just look weak.
7) How is the relationship between programmer and record label changing ... for better or for worse?
There's a lot of silly forms to fill out for a box of "win it before you can buy its!" Also, we're not doing nearly as many promotions with labels as in the past. Too much red tape and legalities ... it's a shame.
8) If you could add any one full-time position to your budget with no questions asked, what would it be?
A promotions assistant! Our station is insanely promotionally active; honestly we could use about five promotions assistants for all the gigs we do.
9) Of all the skills you have gained through the years, is there an area you'd like to improve?
Yea ... production. I can admit it; I'm not so good. But I am getting better and I can schedule a music log like nobody's business!
10) What are some of your favorite artists/songs right now?
The new Foo Fighters promises to be great and the Kid Rock is a great fun Rock radio song.