Overnight Briefing & General Reality Check
January 11, 2010
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Balloon Boy father RICHARD HEENE begins his jail sentence: 30 days of "straight time" and 60 days of work release.
I'm a Poll Man:
Could a Republican actually be elected to fill the MA U-S Senate seat of the late TED KENNEDY? Some recent polls show that Republican State Sen SCOTT BROWN might actually have a chance against current MA Democratic Attorney General MARTHA COAKLEY.
--A Rasmussen Reports survey from last week had Coakley's lead down to nine-points, at 50-to-41.
--And a new survery from Public Policy Polling shows Brown leading Coakley by one-point --48-to-47-percent-- which would mean the race is effectively tied. About half of all Massachusetts voters are independents, and that group currently gives Brown a 63-to-31-percent lead over Coakley.(Pacelli)Love, exciting and new:
Thinking about taking a Cougar Cruise?
That's right, there are now cruises for middle-aged women looking to get some attention from younger men. But the Miami New Times reports that Carnival Cruise Lines has had enough of the whole cougar thing (COURTENEY COX's show notwithstanding) and it says it will no longer let tourist agents book Cougar-themed cruises.
Carnival did the first-ever "Cougar Cruise," but never fear --if you're still looking for that young stud, a cougar cruise is set to sail out of Miami on Norwegian Cruise Lines next December.Fast Food:
Some KFC franchise owners are angry that the company has shifted its focus away from fried chicken and toward the grilled variety.
Even though KFC grilled chicken sales hit $1 billion in its first year, the local restaurant owners are worried that the company is caught up in the hype and losing sight of its core product.
The Washington Post reports, "The simmering dispute erupted into a lawsuit filed by franchisees this week that claims KFC management ignored their pleas to stay true to the colonel's original recipe for a product that could be no more than a flash in the pan, and instead devoted the advertising budget to promoting the new grilled chicken."
Editor's note: They could always sell gassed chickens. How do ya might that go? (Maiman)Lawsuit of the Day:
A Florida prison inmate is suing Penthouse because it refused to send a subscription to him behind bars.
The NY Daily News says JORGE NIEBLA filed the two-page suit in handwritten block letters to Manhattan Federal Court.
"[I] would like to purchase the magazine," says the suit, "but staff are being predjudice [sic] and don't have respect for my basic rights." Penthouse was unavailable for comment.
Mr Niebla is serving 13 life sentences for kidnapping and armed robbery. (Still/Maiman)
Editor's note: No Penthouse in the Big House, eh?
--If they made denying skin mags part of your punishment in prison, there'd be a heckuva lot less crime.
--Wanna be cruel? Send him the Braille version.
--Wanna be cruel and unusual? Send the guy a Sears catalogue. (And that's your Bill of Rights lesson for the day kids. Tomorrow the Sixth Amendment, right to due process! --Maiman) -