That's MY Space
August 23, 2010
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Women who attend regular workout classes get a little territorial when it comes to their space. There could be a specific spin bike she prefers, a spot on the mat she deems hers or a piece of exercise equipment that is always available when she needs it to be. Usually, the same group of people frequent the same classes, and all know where one and other prefers to sweat. It's challenging when someone else enters in her space. You can't expect an outsider to know they are invading the spot you feel most comfortable in, they have every right to stand where they want; but still, it's an adjustment. This happened to me last night at kickboxing. I arrived on time only to find someone else had taken "my" space on the mat. I went and got my weights and tried to stand as close to my comfort zone as possible, but at this point a woman was stretching out and taking up enough space for three people; she was clearly a newbie. Then, as I searched for a new place to plop my stuff, I realized that no matter where I went I'd be invading the space of another regular. So, I retreated to the back of the mat, which is the place everyone goes to hide from the prying eyes of our instructor who clearly has no problem pointing it out when we aren't working hard enough. For once I had a work out with out feeling like the instructors words of "work harder" were directed at me. Hmm, perhaps I owe this woman who took my spot a thank you.
She buzz words
- Eat
- Pray
- Love
Right now she could be
Talking about how beautiful Julia Roberts is
- Painting her bathroom
- Grooming her dog
- Taking a picture of her baby
She Money
A mail sorter that includes labels like "respond to me" and "pay me" with a spot for catalogues to keep things straight so she can get more organized. www.spoonsisters.com
The Teller Machine Bank helps her teach her child how to keep a running balance with deposits when using an ATM card. For info, log on to www.backtobasicstoys.com
She questions
- What would she never leave home without?
- What can she never have enough of?
- Does she have a friend who owes her money and she's uncomfortable asking for it?
She baby
If she likes Netflix for movies, she'll like Baby Plays for your child. Just like Netflix, this site lets her rent toys for children up to five years of age. Hundreds of pre-sanitized toys are available for a monthly fee and she can return and replace as she or baby likes, with the prepackaged shipping that's included. www.babyplays.com
She's cleaning up
- A University of Minnesota study found that adolescent girls who eat five or more meals a week with their family are one-third less likely to have an eating disorder.
She clean
Housecleaning has her bringing in some dough or trading for something she really needs with items she has no more use for. Here are some sites where she can peddle her wares.
- www.swapthing.com
- www.swap-it-now.com
- www.swaptree.com
- www.tradeaway.com
- www.trashbank.com
- www.craigslist.com
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