Tis the Season
November 23, 2010
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There's a lot of competition for her holiday spending dollars. So, where do you fit in with all the sales circulars? Unless your station has or is going all Christmas you might feel left out. Don't; she still wants to hear her favorite songs and connect with you. Statistics show that sticking with a close friend through the holidays increases good times and helps to ward off depression. Adding the holiday happenings onto an already packed calendar can stress a gal out. But it doesn't have to. Come along side of her by providing a festive atmosphere, coupons if possible, gift tips and the best location to get a cute LBD (little black dress).
Cookie exchanges, Secret Santa's, Holiday pictures, trips to the mall are all on her list. Kids Christmas pageants are in rehearsals, church choirs are working through Handel's Messiah's and many are working a second job to provide supplemental income to pay for the holiday.
If she cooks she'd love to have the time to "Martha Stewart" out, but often what looks easy on television or in a magazine isn't always that way when it gets time to do it yourself. A lot of her good ideas will get left behind because of time.
She's probably working overtime today at work so she can enjoy that Thanksgiving holiday with out the thought of returning to a desk piled high with 'stuff'. Or, she's packing up a family to travel, or preparing for guests. Sheets are getting laundered, suitcases and kids are getting packed up and frozen turkeys are thawing. Hopefully the turkey is thawing. Maybe a reminder from you is just what's needed to get this holiday off to the right start.
She buzz words
- Flu
- Cranberry
- Double Coupons
- Meat Thermometer
Right Now She Could Be..
- Thawing her turkey
- Cleaning Sheets
- Dusting
- Making a Floral Arrangement
She Could Be a..
- Pastor
- New mom
- Deli clerk
- Waitress
She vocabulary
- Pound rebound: what happens after you lose a lot of weight and take it easy for a while.
- Oversharing: confessing personal issues to people we don't know that well.
- Stevia: a zero-calorie all-natural sweetener made from a South American shrub, which has not been approved by the FDA.
She Cook
Washing produce is essential and usually a few outer leaves of the lettuce get thrown away as a result. These outer leaves can be used to cover foods in the microwave instead of a paper towel, plus the leaves provide a little extra cooking moisture. For more uncommon thoughts like this and a chance to win a trip for two, log on to www.think-thinkagain.com.
She never stopped to think about this
- The Journal of Consumer Research reports that grocery shoppers who used a credit or debit cards spent 30% more than those who use cash.
- Most credit-card minimum payments are only 2.5% of the actual balance, making it a grueling task to pay off. www.Kiplinger.com and www.Bankrate.com have debt calculators that shows how long and how much more per month it will take to pay it off sooner (and cheaper).
She money
With holiday shipping rates another added cost, she can figure out the cheapest way to ship a package at www.shipgooder.com.
Discount codes can help ease an online shopping cost. Here are some sites that may get some additional savings:
She Facts
- Almost half of personal bankruptcies are due to illness and high medical bills. Maybe it's because the average American eats about 54 apples, 42 servings of broccoli, and 96 cups of ice cream a year. (Source: Reader's Digest)
- Worldwide, 40 million people are infected with HIV.
- Get stamps at http://shop.usps.com/.
- Get makeup, jewelry, and accessories at www.drugstore.com.
- Get movie passes at www.cinemanow.com
(recipients can watch movies online)
Holiday help
Just because airfare is beyond her budget does not mean she can't travel. Luxury bus service and trains are more affordable than she may think. Here are some links to try and not fly:
She Health
- More than one million Americans are likely to
- be infected with HIV.
- About 20% don't know they are infected
- There are 50,000 new infections each year.
(Source: www.hiv.com)
• Get more She Prep at www.ShePrep.com