The Right Kind Of Consumption
March 19, 2013
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I took the opportunity to rewrite an earlier piece this week, because it's timely and worth repeating.
No one has ever been automated and in a moment! But isn't it interesting how with every wave of new technology, the race continues to build a better platform, software, or app to create a "set it and forget it" approach?
There's no question that developers see an opportunity in this area because it addresses the most precious commodity -- time. And until someone can figure out how to expand it, which isn't going to happen in this lifetime, the opportunity is to maximize the precious minutes to be on as much as possible without having to be there. Sound familiar?
So, as a Pew Research study proclaims, "Cutbacks are affecting coverage, consumption," I simply have to ask ... are you really surprised?
When a company is focused on a short-staffed solution to simply cover the critical pieces to stay "on" ... the real stories, breaking news, emotional moments and someone looking to connect is happening right now -- and it's alive each day and at all hours.
Will someone discover or uncover the solution for a problem through your passion, purpose and connection?
Or will they simply see a posts, tweets, pics and more that presents a facade of something happening, but leave disappointed when it becomes obvious that being "on" only fulfills what needs to be vs. being there and sharing/discussing/commenting/connecting around what is?
Anyone can fill a page or a signal with some type of content, but very few can and will take the extra step of going beyond what is expected and building an extraordinary experience.
Be alive and in the moments. Not automated or simply "on."
It remains your opportunity to stand out in a crowded world full of mostly noise where real people are looking for real-time connections that make a difference.
It's the new culture, and an alternative to 90% of what everyone will do ... and one that will drive ratings, revenue, likes, re-tweets or whatever you desire.