If He's In Your Club And You Don't Kick Him Out, It's On You Now
There have been too many candidates showing up who are... okay, let's not mince words, they're bigots. Racists. In some cases, neo-Nazis, white supremacists. Most (actually, every one I've heard about this year) are in the G.O.P., which seems to be either doing a poor job of weeding them out or is tacitly tolerating it. Take the Missouri candidate for the State House -- he won a 4-way primary with ease -- who has a brokered radio show on which he says anti-Semitic, anti-Muslim, homophobic stuff, claiming "Hitler was right" and that Jewish "cabals" are "harvesting baby parts." He does this on the radio show (which, incidentally, airs Monday mornings just before Alex Jones on a Kansas City-area AM station) and on YouTube. At least at this writing, the Missouri Republican Party's being silent about him. Why are extremists making it onto the ballot, and why isn't the party doing anything to stop it? (Kansas City Star)
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