The Fame Card Isn't Always Internationally Accepted
Unless you're from Taiwan, you probably had no perception of this story about an 18-year-old dude in suburban Philadelphia who threatened to attack his high school, or that he said it was an idle threat he never intended to act upon but that he was sentenced to time served and deportation to Taiwan. If you ARE in Taiwan, you surely heard all about it, all over the news on TV and in the papers. Why? Because his parents are celebrities, A-listers in Taiwan, Peng Sun and Ying Di, household names there. And it's a reminder that fame is often relative: You can be a superstar in America and unknown anywhere else, and vice versa. There's "Big in Japan" and Big in America and Big in the U.K. and Big in Russia and those often don't overlap. Which is to say, "Don't you know who I am?" doesn't always work. (Philadelphia Inquirer)
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