10 Questions with ... Jet Black
January 23, 2007
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NAME:Jet BlackPOSITION:APD/MD/NightsSTATION:KTBT (92-1 THE BEAT)MARKET:Tulsa, OklahomaCOMPANY:Clear ChannelBORN:Tulsa, OklahomaRAISED:Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
2001 - 2002 - KNIN/WICHITA FALLS, TX
2003 - 2004 - WRVW/NASHVILLE, TN
2004 - 2005 - KSLZ/ST. LOUIS, MO
2005 - PRESENT - KTBT/TULSA, OK1. What was your last non-Industry job?
I was the Detail Manager for a car lot in OKLAHOMA CITY. I had been fired from my second radio job and thought my career was over. Of course, I was in High School at the time and was limited in my knowledge of the world and industry, though I thought I knew everything. Shortly after graduation I took a gig as a P/T jock at KIZS in TULSA and as they say, the rest is history.
2. What got you interested in Radio?
Growing up until I was nine in TULSA I was able to hear some FANTASTIC radio in top 40's heyday with KAYI (now KHTT) and KMYZ. Jocks like BANANA AND MEL in the Morning, JAN DEAN, CARLY RUSH and the Party Barge, CHUCK STEVENS, KARLSON AND MCKENZIE, they were all idols and gave me this illness. Then moving to OKLAHOMA CITY stations like KJYO really sealed the deal for me getting into radio.
3. What has surprised you about living and working in TULSA?
How ahead of the musical curve my audience is. Most people think TULSA is a hick town where we still ride horses to work, but that is so far from the truth. Our audience knew about CHAMILLIONARE and a lot of the TEXAS cats long before they had record deals. In Industry terms we've been there to break PAUL WALL, MIKE JONES, FRANKIE J, BABY BASH, NATALIE, REYEZ, PLAY N SKILLZ and beyond. Between that and the fact that this town is much more cosmopolitan than most people think because of the oil companies that are based here, we don't ALL live in trailers.
4. What's the highlight of your radio career to date?
Helping re-brand my current radio station and move it into a dominant position in the market. No one ever thought a Rhythmic format would settle well with advertisers here in the Bible Belt, but so far it has and it has done more than well with our audience. We moved from a puny 6kW stick in SEPTEMBER of 2005 to a torch lighter (not quite a blowtorch) 50kW stick and we have done nothing but grow since then, and now we're beating our main competition in almost every daypart. Being in the thick of all of that has been more than I could have ever asked for in my career. A close second is my involvement with HD multicasting technology and programming, being able to bring music to listeners that otherwise couldn't get it without a Sirius or XM receiver is quite gratifying.
5. Do you have interest in becoming a PD?
Absolutely, in fact the PD position is open here at my radio station. I'm lucky enough to get an "audition" in the interim and hopefully that will develop into getting the stripes that I've wanted for the last three years of my career. If not, I'm sure I will find a programming home somewhere out there.
6. Who do you consider to be your mentor(s)?
A lot of people...where should I start? I've learned quite a bit from my former PD in NASHVILLE, RICH DAVIS. He is by far one of my best friends and easily one of the best teachers I've ever had. Hell, I haven't worked for him in three years but we still talk almost daily. DYLAN SPRAGUE at Q100 in ATLANTA and BOOMER at Q94 in RICHMOND really helped me show what kind of talent I am on the air. My former PD and now Operations Manager for EMMIS RADIO in AUSTIN, CHASE, really dissected the nuts and bolts of programming and showed me how to come from behind and win. Also, my current Operations Manager DON CRISTI has shown me that winning in the hallways is half the battle and also half the win. He's a great team builder.
7. What do you like to do in your spare time?
I'm a poker player. That should say enough. Besides that I love to fly airplanes both real and simulated. I love to spin records, I haven't been a club resident in years but I love the nights the DJ has too much to drink and I get to hit the washers and dryers.
8. It's a brand new year. What area of your "game" do you want to improve in 2007?
TIME MANAGEMENT. It's never really been a strong suit of mine, while I get everything done, it's usually not in a timely fashion. But I've taken steps already this year to make sure I'm dotting my "I"s and crossing my "T"s quicker and with more detail. Being able to go home and relax not worrying about what I may have missed would be nice. But I'm a worrier, so that part may never go away.
9. If you were to leave Radio today and you could choose any other occupation, what would it be?
POLITICS. Anyone who knows me, knows which color my views land on, and while radio is a good way to jumpstart that side of my career (watch out RUSH) I think it would be fun to step outside completely and take on issues in my community. In fact, I'm looking into the next City Council race in my district, who knows what's next, maybe President Black?
10. It's Saturday night at 11:55. Where in TULSA is JET BLACK?
In the middle of it all. If I'm not at a club gig, I'm hanging out with friends enjoying some beverages or at my business (it's a bar, go figure) doing the same. But there is an occasional night that my other half and I sit back and watch movies and episodes of 24 and THE OFFICE.
Bonus Questions
Bonus #1. What's your dream market?
Tough to say. I was raised in Pop radio and there are SO many legendary stations I would love to be a part of. But in all honesty, I want to go back to OKLAHOMA CITY at some point to program. My family is there, as are most of my friends and the cost of living is so f-ing low I'd be a fool not to settle down in that town.
BONUS #2. A freak gravitational shift has added three hours to everyday. What would you do with those extra three hours?
Imaging. It's something I've just been OK at for most of my career, but having that couple of extra hours can mean the difference between good enough and GREAT!