10 Questions with ... Brian Michel
May 22, 2007
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NAME:Brian MichelPOSITION:OM/PDSTATION:KUUU & KUDDMARKET:Salt Lake CityCOMPANY:Millcreek BroadcastingBORN:Norfolk, VARAISED:Norfolk-Virginia Beach
Modern AC WJQI-WPTE/NORFOLK-VIRGINIA BEACH from '91 to '98 in various (overnights, promotions, nights, creative services, shoe shining, etc.); Rhythmic WCKZ, FORT WAYNE from '98 to '01 as Program Director; Urban KXUU/DENVER from '01 - '02 as Program Director; Top 40/Rhythmic KUUU and Hot AC KUDD/SALT LAKE CITY as Operations Manager/Program Director from '02 to present.
1. You guys are breaking records at KUUU. How hot is Hip Hop in SLC?
This market - contrary to what many may believe - has always embraced new music and Hip Hop included. I would say KUUU is certainly a testament to that considering that the strongest ratings for the station have come as a predominately all-Hip Hop station. Hip Hop is a dynamic part of the market as much so as other formats like Alternative, Rock, and Country. I think many would be surprised how cool the vibe really is in this market.
2. What's the best part of working and living in SALT LAKE CITY?
There's so many things; it's hard to pick just one. We have world class snowboarding resorts are less than 15 minutes away, the climate is great most of the year, the city is incredibly clean, the people are super nice, and the list goes on and on. My family loves it here.
3. What got you interested in Radio?
It was a calling at 4 years old. I knew I wanted to be a broadcaster. As I got older, I loved listening to radio - especially the radio wars between Top 40 giants WGH (97 Star) and WNVZ (Z-104) in Norfolk-Virginia Beach. Listening to great talents like PAUL "CUBBY" BRYANT and MJ KELLI, how could anyone not get excited about radio?
4. Do you work with a consultant?
Nope. I have the pleasure of reviewing our local research and making the final decisions with my ultra-passionate music director, KEVIN CRUISE. Together, we pride ourselves on not only finding the records that our audience will love; but keeping a disciplined consistency in our product that will meet the expectations of our audience upon every tune-in.
5. Is the SLC club scene helpful in sizing up Hip Hop records?
It is to some degree. You definitely see the early trends in the clubs watching how people gravitate to specific records. Some clubs, naturally, are certainly better indicators than others. There are a set of clubs where I know new music will go over well and then some of them where if it has not been played on the station for a while, they are probably not going to react to it. I am fortunate in that I have an opportunity to still mix every Friday night at a downtown night spot, so I get a chance to really "feel" how records - including new, recurrent, and old - impact the active audience.
6. How has being a mixer complimented your development as a programmer?
Mostly in the way that it opens you up to records that someone else may write off right away. There are certainly records out there that programmers immediately choose not to play because they may think it is just a street record. A good example of this is SWIZZ BEATZ "It's Me Snitches." After seeing how strong the reaction was not only in the clubs but on our mix show as well, we decided to really embrace that record and our research has now confirmed just how strong it really is. Without having a chance to mix that record, though, and really feel the vibe from it; it probably never would have made it to rotation.
7. How does your station's Web site impact your programming of KUUU?
Our web site is an extension of what we do. We use it primarily to further our relationship with our audience. Our U-Mail listener club and text messaging databases are a big part of what we do in keeping steady communication between us and our listeners. Another big part of that relationship is the input from the audience. We strongly promote our online music advisory panel on the air, as well as, various other research gathering aspects such our feedback forms and e-quests. And besides offering entertainment and informative content, we also stream the station live.
8. Let's say you...BRIAN MICHEL, not the station, is going to throw a party for your family and best friends from all over the country at a local VFW hall. Money is no object, who do you book to play the show to help create the perfect party atmosphere? Pick one band/artist.
9. How closely do you work with the sales department at KUUU?
Very close. We are always exploring ideas that will not only result in great promotions for our listeners but also drive revenue growth simultaneously. The Programming and Sales teams have come together for several great team efforts including the station's annual Cinco De Mayo and Summer Jam concerts. Other promotions like our Ultimate Sticker Smacks where 920 listeners get stuck up for a magnitude of prizes have experiences tremendous results for listeners and clients alike. Radio is unique in that our customer service is two-fold; listeners and advertisers. Programming and Sales must work together not only harmoniously but most importantly, cohesively, to truly create a successful radio station or cluster.
10. Your VP/GM tells you that you've budget for an additional fulltime staffer in 2008. What position would you fill?
Internet technologies! Coding these Web sites takes a lot of time in addition to programming duties.
Bonus Questions
BONUS . What's your dream market?
Global - seriously! CEO of the WALT DISNEY COMPANY; that's my next step. If I have to choose radio markets, while I truly love it here, it would be LOS ANGELES.
BONUS. How has the altitude in SLC affected your golf handicap?
Sure, I can hit the ball farther - but I am still a hack. So, I would say not at all. Golf is purely recreation for me. I'm a far better hockey player. Go DUCKS!