10 Questions with ... Booker
October 23, 2007
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NAME:BookerPOSITION:NightsSTATION:KUUU (U-92)MARKET:Salt Lake CityCOMPANY:Millcreek BroadcastingBORN:DetroitRAISED:Detroit
WKQI/Detroit-Intern...Weekends...Overnights...Nights...Stunt Boy...etc
KFTZ/Idaho Falls -Nights...Afternoons...MD
KUUU/Salt Lake City-Nights
WBVD/Melbourne-Nights/MD then got moved up to PD/Afternoons
KUUU/Salt Lake-Nights/(Kevin Cruise's bitch)...just kidding!1. What was your last non-Industry job?
Worked in a supermarket bakery.
2. Why Radio?
I never wanted to be one of those people who hated their job, and I've been a music lover my whole life, so it just made sense to pursue a career in some sort of broadcasting.
3. You've worked in markets all over the country. What stands out about Salt Lake City?
I know everyone says this about the city their in, But Salt Lake City really is one of America's best kept secrets. Artists who may have never come here otherwise, will come out for a show and leave with a new respect for Utah. The fact that we can
break all these records and our audience embraces every one of em' like they just saw the video on MTV or BET.
4. What's been the highlight of your radio career to date?
This may sound a little selfish, but when I got to meet Ice Cube last year. I grew up on his music and watching his movies so that's something I'll never forgot.
5. You've been a PD and an MD. At KUUU, you don't hold a programming title. Do you miss being in the big chair?
Funny you ask that...I do miss it ALOT actually, but Ii've learned that patience is the key to everything, and when the time is right, whether it's here or elsewhere, it'll happen again.
6. With your programming experience, how involved are you in the programming of KUUU?
Besides the occasional, "Hey, this song is pretty hot", I'm not involved.
7. Who do you consider to be your mentor(s)?
Romeo(Z100), JoJo "Cookin" Kincaid, Zac Davis, Jagger (WKTU), Tic Tak, Tim Richards, Mojo (WKQI), Brian Michel, Kayvon Motiee, Kevin Cruise, J.Love (KMVQ), Brad Collins, Mike Lowe, and everyone else I've worked with in this industry have all inspired me in someway or another.
8. Salt Lake City doesn't have a particularly wild reputation. It's not New Orleans or Miami. Hip Hop stations thrive on clubs. How is the club scene in Salt Lake City?
We're not New Orleans, but when Pittsburg Slim-Girls Kiss Girls comes on in the club,
it feels like Mardi Gras!
9. We're winding down 2007. Looking forward to 2008, what area of your "game" do you want to improve?
On-Air...I want to figure out ways to come up with compelling content without always
having to rely on phones. Off-Air...I want to become more promotions savvy.
10. If you were to leave Radio today and you could choose any other occupation, what would it be?
Probably a Truck Driver, There are so many cities and states that I would still love to visit. It would be cool to get paid for traveling.
Bonus Questions
What's your dream market?
Detroit, Chicago, or Atlanta...(sorry that was 3)
If you could be a contestant on any reality show on TV today, what would it be?
Probably, I Love NY 2...do I really need to explain why? lol