10 Questions with ... Travis X. Loughran
November 9, 2010
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KSRO/Santa Rosa, KBOS/Fresno, KBMB/Sacramento, KYLD/San Francisco, WQHT/New York, KYLD and KIOI/San Francisco
1. What initially got you interested in Radio?
My Dad had gotten into radio later in life as a hobby. He was the Afternoon News guy at KRSO and suggested I give it a try...said it was fun. At the time, I was pretending to attend school up in Chico, so I thought I'd give it a try. That was in 1994, I think?
2. Is the city still high from the Giants' World Series win?
Right now, we are higher than Captain Kirk (S/O Weezy).
3. What was KYLD doing for the Series?
Watching the games!
4. What's the highlight of your radio career to date?
I can't answer this question. It would feel cliché to say "the day I broke this artist", or "the time I made a child smile with my magical radio power". My whole career up to this point has been a highlight and I hope there are many more are in my future.
5. In addition to being APD/MD at KYLD, aren't you doing the same at KIOI? How do you balance your time?
Work smarter, not harder.
I think back to the times when my day went like this: do (1) music log, take label calls, do lunch, mixer mtg, do dinner...repeat. LOL
6. What, if anything, has surprised you about working with your PD, Cat Collins?
I kind of all already knew about Cat before he came to KYLD, so not a lot of surprises...but I was unaware of his second office in the right field bleaches at AT&T Park. Strange.
7. Got any hobbies? What do you like to do to get away from radio life in a major market like San Francisco?
I don't think I ever truly get away from radio life. And to be frank, I like it that way! In the rare moments that are radio free, I spend with my wife Debbie and my child (ok, dog) Marley.
8. Have you remained tight with any of the guys/ladies that you started in radio with?
I don't know how "tight" I've stayed with folks...but, for sure I stay connected via text, and email as best I can with some of the good ones!
9. When I was in radio, I had artists that I loved having at the station because they were great professionals and good people. Artists that were genuinely happy to be at the station or out with fans of theirs. Are you seeing that from some of the new stars out there?
In general, I've had good experiences with every artist that comes by KYLD and KIOI. Different, yes... but, that's expected as everyone has different personalities. Very rarely has an artist visit gone poorly.
10. If you were to leave Radio today and you could choose any other occupation, what would it be?
These days, I think about that often. Unfortunately, my skill set is not as broad as I'd hoped. So, if I left radio today...my eggs would be put in the "hope I have a super rich relative" basket.
Bonus Questions
If you could have one super power, what would it be?
It's not original...but, the ability to fly would be super sick.
A freak gravitational shift has added three hours to everyday. What would you do with those extra three hours?
Crap. I don't know. I'd like to say that I'd "learn to surf" or "go to the gym"...but, in reality I'd probably just knock out a few extra music logs.