10 Questions with ... Jim Kennedy
January 19, 2010
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1) What was your first job in radio?
Armed Forces Radio. Thailand Early influences: KDKA, CKLW, WLS, WKYC
2) What led you to a career in radio?
It was either that or hard time.
Was there a defining moment that made you realize "this is it"?
When the judge told me to choose.
3) If you were just starting out in radio, knowing now what you didn't then, would you still do it?
4) What was the first record/CD you purchased?
"It Was I" by Skip & Flip
5) If you are wearing more hats this year than last, what area is suffering and how are you handling that?
Individual station attention ... I have to prioritize
6) What can we be doing with our station websites to better our stations as a whole?
Realizing that the website should have its own identity and positioning statement. Understand why people go to the site. Usually, it isn/t to see what the jocks look like.
7) How is the relationship between programmer and record label changing? For better or worse?
The role of the indie has greatly changed the relationship, but overall it is about the same, because the station and the label still have two very different agendas concerning adding music.
8) What do you view as the most important issue facing radio today?
Whether companies will be able to continue to grow or if new regulations will halt that.
9) What do you like best about your job?
I am able to concentrate strictly on programming. I work on my own. My boss is not a micro-manager
10) What do you like least?
Bonus Questions
Who is your favorite air personality not on your staff?
Randy & Spiff - Cool 105.7/Atlanta;.Trapper Jack - WDOK/ Cleveland
What is your favorite radio station outside of the market and why?
KDMT/Denver ... they play music for us old hippies.
Besides your own, what is your favorite radio format?
Classic Rock
Name the artist/act (living or dead) you'd love to meet and why.
Paul McCartney ... tt's the whole Beatles thing.
What is the one truth that has held constant throughout your career?
Work hard and trust the rest to God.