Why Casey Kasem Mattered
June 16, 2014
When Kerri Kasem, daughter of radio icon Casey Kasem, turned to Facebook and Twitter to share the news that her father had passed away, the sadness instantly became a nationwide trending topic: a radio pioneer had passed.
As All Access co-Founder, President and Publisher, Joel Denver, noted, "How ironic that Casey died during the very day part he controlled – Sunday morning."
Casey Kasem left each of us with our own unique stories of remembrance. It was moving to read so many memories socially.
When Casey spoke, we all turned the radio up. He inspired many of us and gave us someone to look up to in an industry we are attracted to. So as we move on with our careers in media, hacking our way through a very different landscape than when Kasem was in during his prime, let Casey Kasem's words recharge you and maybe even help you do a reset:
"Anytime in radio that you can reach somebody on an emotional level, you're really connecting."
Let us never forget what radio can do that the pure plays and other juke box-type disruptors to our industry cannot. We have talent – whether live, voice-tracked, or syndicated - that have the opportunity to make fans feel something every day.
On the air, are you really connecting emotionally? Or are you just telling the audience "That was, this is." Use your time wisely. Every moment counts.
The greatest way to spend your time, on-air, and on social platforms, too, is to make people feel and Casey was a master at using short bursts of content that elicited emotion.
"The greatest compliment that anyone can pay me is that after I say something, they remember it."
There are some people who just talk and there are others who move us. Which one are you?
Do people react when you speak? Do they spread your word socially? Or have you created a passive base that just listens and forgets. As we have talked about many times here in Merge, it's not about what you want to say – it's about what the audience wants to hear.
"Keep your feet on the ground and keep reaching for the stars."
Every time Casey Kasem said this, he made someone feel good. What is it that you do every week that defines your story? What is it that you will be known for?
Reflection is so valuable. It helps us grow and turn into the talent and leaders we were truly meant to be. Take Casey Kasem's words and find a way to be your audience's ideal experience. He found just the way to do that – and you can, too, on-air and socially.
Reach out to me anytime on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn or Twitter.
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