10 Questions with ... Nicole Biggins
June 1, 2010
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1) What's it feel like to be the only female in the "locker room" known as the Morning Mash-Up?
I feel privileged! I love these guys like brothers ... they are the reason I am where I am today. They nurtured me through every experience and really taught me everything I know about radio. I also feel like I've gotten a little sneak peek into the mind of a dirty boy, which has definitely helped me in my relationship, as well as dealing with any man on a regular basis.
2) Dish some dirt on your co-hosts ... what would we be surprised to learn about Rich Davis, Stanley T or Ryan Sampson?
Stan has a serious addiction to cocoa butter and baby powder, Rich has had the same hair style for 10 years or so and has serious gas in the studio in the morning, and not only has Ryan Sampson been known to make the ladies' panties drop as a result of his amazing cooking, but his nipples are permanently hard.
3) You've had a lot of cool guests on the show. Who have been the coolest?
Jay-Z, Taylor Swift, The All American Rejects, Samuel L Jackson, Lady GaGa ... I mean, she just blew me away. She's absolutely fascinating ... I really get a kick out of challenging our guests and putting them on the spot and she just had me in a complete trance ... she's brilliant. I could listen to her speak for hours...
4) Your entertainment updates are excellent. What are some of your favorite prep sources?
I'm obviously a huge fan of Perez, I love dlisted, thesuperficial, radaronline ... but I can't give you the real underground ones ... a girl has to have her secrets ...
5) What led you to a career at SiriusXM?
The reception desk led me here ... not so proud of that, but I also think it's pretty cool that I have a rags-to-riches story. The whole "I started in the mailroom and now I'm CEO" -- it's real, it can happen! So when they do a True Hollywood story on us one day, it'll be a cool story line.
6) What is the most challenging part of the job?
Getting up and doing the show when you don't feel like it. I mean, I'd be spoiled to say I don't want to get up and do my popular national radio show, but we're human and have bad days. I take the job of entertaining people very seriously. If I don't put a smile on your face or make you laugh, I failed ... but sometimes it's that time of the month, or I'm tired, or I have a cold and feel like just hocking a loogie on the mic instead of talking.
7) What artist would we be surprised to find on your iPod?
Talib Kwali, Pearl Jam, Indigo Girls, Vampire Weekend, endless Eminem.
8) Who would be a "dream guest" to have on your show?
Lindsay Lohan. The boys know this and make fun of me about this. I have this odd infatuation with her. I can't get enough. I don't know why. I just wanna hang out with her or be a fly on the wall when she's being naughty.
9) What is it about our industry that keeps you wanting to do it for a living?
Kid Kelly. I adore him. I literally want to kill him the majority of the time and leave his office kicking and screaming, but I couldn't imagine a day without him. He gave me a chance and believed in me. He's taught me so much and is the one who encourages me and the rest of the Mash Up to be great and to be a star, so he's the part of the industry that keeps me motivated.
10) What is the one truth that has held constant throughout your career?
Be you and nothing else ... any bit of success I have had has been from just being me. Not pretending. Not holding back. That's why people end up loving you ... that rawness is so endearing.
Bonus Questions
What's the biggest gaffe you've made on air?
There is no biggest for me ... more like every Friday, when the guys make me play Nicole vs. the Streets ... Ill give ya one of my answers just for fun ... Question: What president is LBJ? My Answer was Larry Barry Johnson (insert laughter here).