10 Questions with ... Jeanene Calhoun
April 3, 2007
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NAME:Jeanene CalhounTITLE:PDSTATION:KCNLMARKET:San Jose (#35)COMPANY:Clear ChannelBORN:San JoseRAISED:San Jose
Debt Collector
Green Day - Dookie
Kris Kross - I had my clothes on backwards and everything!
Our Lady Peace
1. How did you become interested in radio?
By accident, I went to college to be a TV/film major but we also had to take radio classes since they were grouped together. I thought it was stupid but I took a few radio classes first to get them out of the way, the funny part is I never did get around to taking a TV/film class.
2. What led to the return of Channel 104.9?
Our listeners, they were very instrumental in our return. They made petitions and websites protesting the switch the day after it happened! Plus, we were the station of the South Bay Area, when we left no other station filled that hole.
3. How is the station different today?
We will focus more on what our listeners want, we will be more interactive with them, and they will have the chance to have a voice on our station in more ways than one. For example, listeners can help guide the music selection via our music testing page online and soon we will be adding a type of music on demand feature to our site where listeners can make a request online and with-in minutes that song will air.
4. Explain how KCNL has become an interactive radio station?
Our station is now represented though our listeners. We have two of the coolest scions ever we call it our digital mobile studios. They are outfitted with computers with internet access, touch screen monitors and video capture capabilities. Our listeners have access to our entire music library - they can pick a song from out on the streets, announce it and it can be up and on the air instantly. Basically, it is a version of our air studio on wheels.
5. How much new music are you playing? What is your ratio of currents and gold?
We play a bunch of new stuff without forgetting the older songs. Our ratio is about three currents to one gold.
6. What demographic are you shooting for and how are you marketing the station?
Our core demographic is the 25-34 year olds. Our marketing strategy is very simple - It's ALL about the music and listeners. We personalize and customize our station musically and promotionally by our listener's lifestyles through involvement and interaction.
7. Fill in the blank: I can't make it through the day without _________?
Seeing my dog, Diesel.
8. What is the one truth that has held constant throughout your career?
Everyone knows everyone else.
9. What was your favorite station to listen to when you were a kid?
Wild 94.9 (KYLD), I remember when they were on a different frequency! I could tell you all the DJ's names that were on the air when I was a kid. I love that station, the DJ's have always sounded like they are having fun and they never take themselves too seriously. The music has always been great too! That station has stood the test of time and will always be one of my favorites.
10. What career path would you be following had it not been for this industry?
I would still be doing something that involves music
Bonus Questions
What are your hobbies?
Discovering new music, going to concerts, watching television, people watching and playing with my dog - he has a red mohawk, he's very cool to hang out with.