10 Questions with ... Amber Miller
August 7, 2007
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NAME:Amber MillerTITLE:Music Director/Morning Show Co-HostSTATIONS:WEQXMARKET:Albany, NY (#63)-Manchester, VTCOMPANY:Northshire CommunicationsBORN:DetroitRAISED:Detroit
WDVD/Detroit (did a little of everything -- started as an intern, worked promotions, and eventually embedded myself with The Rocky Allen Show in mornings as producer/traffic reporter). WQSM/Fayetteville, NC (middays for a year/nights for a year), WDCG/Raleigh, NC (weekends/swing), Preppermint radio prep/web publishing service (Editor).
Let's just say it's one I'm trying REALLY hard to forget
Live - Throwing Copper
WPLT's Holiday Hootenanny show with Sarah McLachlan, BNL, Dishwalla, and Duncan Sheik
Catherine Wheel
1. How did you become interested in radio?
After three semesters as a chemistry major I decided I needed a big, big change. I always loved music, loved listening to the radio, and love to talk, so it seemed like a logical choice.
2. What was your favorite station to listen to when you were a kid?
As a little kid I thought Alan Almond's Pillow Talk night show on WNIC was the best thing ever! What can I say, I had "sophisticated" taste! I think I even wrote him a few letters over the years. As an older kid it was all The Planet (WPLT, now WDVD) all the time.
3. What attracted to you to working at 'EQX?
The music. It's a truly independent station that isn't afraid to take risks. It's a beautiful, rare, exciting thing in this business.
4. What part of your job do you like best?
Getting the mail. It's like Christmas everyday.
Least? The alarm going off at 3:30 am is pretty painful.
5. What's one thing that would surprise many people to learn about you?
I was valedictorian of my high school graduating class. Insert dork joke here.
6. What would an outsider find most surprising about 'EQX?
We broadcast from this great old house right smack dab in the middle of a neighborhood. It's really charming and cool. There's a cat who lives in the house and everybody brings their dogs to work. It's a fantastic atmosphere.
7. Fill in the blank: I can't make it through the day without _________?
Copious amounts of caffeine and a good breakfast.
8. What music do you listen to when you're not working?
It's pretty much the same sort of stuff I listen to at work. That's the great thing about EQX!
9. What is the one truth that has held constant throughout your career?
I realize how lucky I am to be doing what I really want to be doing with my life.
10. What career path would you be following had it not been for this industry?
I might have ended up as a pharmacist ... how boring! (no offense meant to any actual pharmacists!).
Bonus Questions
What are your hobbies?
You mean aside from napping? It may seem a little obvious, but seeing live music is top of the list. And there's nothing like a road trip for a great concert -- visit a new or favorite city, do some eating, drinking, shopping, and check out a show.
But aside from my music obsession, I play on a local softball team, and so far we have a winning record which makes it that much more fun. I am attempting to beef up my web design skills -- not so much fun, but kind of a necessity. And I try to squeeze in some form of exercise whenever possible, but am usually too "busy" sitting on my butt perusing the internet or spending quality time with the DVR.