Frost Advisory #376 - Don't Stare Directly At This - A Programming Lesson From The Solar Eclipse (Part Two)
September 8, 2017
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By John Frost, Goodratings Strategic Service
On last week’s show I shared that the recent solar eclipse is a valuable lesson in perspective. The moon’s path is always between the earth and the sun SOMEWHERE, but it becomes meaningful to us only when it happens to us.
Ty McFarland of KSBJ in Houston reacted this way:
Lesson 1: seeing things from your listener’s perspective requires you to change your perspective - that takes intentional time and effort
Lesson 2: once you spend that time and effort to share a common perspective, you’ll care a whole lot more since you’re invested-you’ve got some skin in the game. If you don’t care about what your listeners care about, the problem isn’t with your listeners!
I could easily stop there with Ty’s valuable insight, but since I’ve teased ‘part two’ I feel compelled to go there.
What if your radio station could get ALL of your listeners to tune in at ONE time for ONE thing? Sounds ridiculous, doesn’t it? But that is the very thing that NASA gave us a glimpse of during the eclipse.
NASA offered a means for anyone to gather data on how the eclipse changes the atmospheric conditions around them. In other words, they offered a resource to get everyone to go to one place at one time for one thing.
Reckon’ we can learn a lot if we just look up.
*Inspired by Mark Ramsey's “Seducing PPM; The 7 Habits of Highly Successful Ratings”