10 Questions with ... Nicole C. Mullen
September 29, 2008
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NAME:Nicole C. MullenTITLE:Musician/Songwriter
Word RecordsDiscography:
A Dream to Believe in, Volume 2 (2008)
Sharecropper's Seed, Volume 1 (2007)
Redeemer: The Best of Nicole C. Mullen (2006)
Everyday People (2004)
Life From Cincinnati: Bringin' It Home (2003)
Christmas in Black & White (2002)
Talk About It (2001)
Nicole C. Mullen (2000)1) Can you offer a brief journey of your musical career thus far from your perspective?
It started at the age 2 when I started singing at different churches with my older sisters, Mom and Dad. From there it progressed to singing with my cousins and sisters. Then I began singing background vocals in the studio and then eventually I went on the road with David Mullen, who is now my husband, followed by other CCM artists such as Amy Grant, newsboys and Michael W. Smith. Around that time God opened the door for me to go into the studio and start recording an album. I had recorded in the past, prior to singing with Amy, on an independent label, Frontline, that I say had flat-lined. Following that I signed with Word in 1998 and the first album for them came out in 2000. I continue to write songs, have toured all over the world and currently am on the road with Women of Faith about every weekend.
2) What is the main message that you share with audiences through the new album "A Dream to Believe In"?
It's pretty much a continuation of the message with the first CD in the trilogy, "Sharecropper's Seed," about hope in Jesus Christ. The other side of that coin is bringing reconciliation to the body of Christ. That is, a cross of color lines, gender lines, economic lines, generation lines and in relationships, I think we're called to reconcile and love each other regardless of differences. That's something I think about and hopefully people will gain greater hope in Christ and love each other well.
3) What is the story behind the single "Forever You Reign"?
It's Praise & Worship, totally vertical, that declares God's goodness and his majesty. Who has an arm like his, who can compare to him, who is wiser and as intelligent? No one. So when it's all said and done, it is him and him alone who should be worshiped and adored. The song is upbeat and proclamation of that.
4) Why is this lifestyle (recording, singing, traveling) one that you have been willing to follow?
Because I feel like I'm answering the call of Christ in my life, because I don't feel like this is something I chose but something he chose for me before I was even born. I enjoy it and I'm very glad he has allowed me to do it but I couldn't have opened up the doors that he has opened up for me. I couldn't have equipped myself for what he has called me to do. I say it often that God doesn't always call the qualified but he definitely qualifies the called. That's how I feel that I'm qualified for this job.
5) Tell us your funniest or strangest radio experience thus far.
I don't have a funny radio story but there's a TV one that's comical to me. I was singing at a televised church program with a large congregation and after I sang, the son of the pastor who is also a minister there, said, "We would like to thank all of you for coming out and to thank Nikki Taylor for singing this song." Now, Nikki is a beautiful model and we definitely have different color skin but he got us confused and I thought that was pretty funny.
6) What is your favorite song to perform live?
That's kind of a difficult question because it's like asking to pick your favorite child. I write 99 percent of what I sing so they're all a part of my journey. I think at any given moment a different song will represent the mood I'm currently in. I enjoy all of them but probably for me the most exhilarating are the songs that are upbeat like on the new album. I love performing "Brainwash." I love singing "Yo Mama." Of course I love "Redeemer" and "Call On Jesus" but at the same time I love performing "Everybody Dance," so it depends on the moment and the mood.
7) Do you have any musical guilty pleasures?
Michael O'Brien, Jonny Lang, Chris Rice
8) What motivates you or challenges you as you continue to create and perform music?
The people are a great motivation for me and it gives me a chance to put a pulse on what is actually reaching their hearts. I think for me hearing the people's stories, hearing their encouragement, hearing their disappointments in life and how God may have used a song at the right time. Again, this is an acclamation of who he is instead of something that I have done and that's definitely a motivating factor for me.
The challenge would be to balance the whole pie, you know. I do have a family, which is very important to me, and living out my faith onstage and offstage is extremely important to me too, so I'm always praying to God that I might do it well. And I have to say so far, so good and again that's a tribute to the Lord. That's probably one of my greatest challenges.
9) Imagine life without music. What might you try your hand at?
I would probably do something with children. I currently have a Baby's Girl Club that I am involved with on a weekly basis. And I would probably do that full-time and at the same develop new artists. I would also probably do a clothing line that I am working on already. I would do the things I'm already involved in outside my music career but really lack the time to do full-time. The kids would come first though, definitely.
10) Who has had the biggest impact on your life?
Probably my mother who is a Godly woman. She and my dad live currently live with us by the way. She has modeled great sacrifice, great humility, great love, great passion and at the same time, a very simple person who is also wise.
Bonus Questions
1) Favorite city to visit:
New York
2) Favorite road meal:
Mashed potatoes, green beans, cooked apples, chocolate cake