10 Questions with ... Kristin Roberts
September 24, 2007
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NAME:Kristin RobertsTITLE:Promotions Director and Co-host, 'Morning Friends with Rob and Kristin'STATIONS:His Radio NetworkMARKETS:Greenville-Spartanburg/SC, Charleston/SC, Myrtle Beach/SC, Savannah/GA, Raleigh-Durham, Charlotte/NC and Asheville/NCCOMPANY:Radio Training Network (TRN)BORN:Evansville, INRAISED:St. Louis, MO
1) What was your first job in radio?
My first job in my radio career was the first workday of the new millennium at WIBI (91.1)/Carlinville, IL. I started with voice-tracking overnights and eventually moved my way through the ranks and worked the morning show for about 15 months before moving to His Radio.
2) How do you prepare for your show each morning? What is your biggest challenge?
Rob Dempsey, my co-host, and I each browse daily news stories. We keep an eye out for stories that may remind you of something that has happened in your life or the life of someone you know. It can usually make a phone ring or at least get people talking about the subject and often about your morning show around the water-cooler. My biggest challenge every morning? Being awake enough to read a computer screen!
3) What is your most memorable on-air moment?
My most memorable on-air moment is compliments of Paul Anthony, who was my PD at WIBI. I had started my radio job three weeks prior to this event. They asked me to be Paul's morning show partner's replacement for a day or two. I was a nervous wreck! I did not get to pre-read the news stories Paul handwrote for me. If you've seen Paul's handwriting, you know where this is going. The mic opened and I tried to decipher his handwriting LIVE with my family and friends listening. I crash and burned horribly. It was so bad that Paul immediately cut off my mic and went straight to music. Somewhere I think I have a tape of that morning show. I have yet to listen to it; it's too painful.
4) If you were just starting out in radio today, but you knew what you know now, would you continue forward?
Absolutely! The job has put me in many situations that confirmed that I am in God's will. I never dreamed I would move away from my home-town. Taking the step to move to South Carolina was huge and pretty scary since I'm on my own and away from family and life-long friends. I've seen God in a way I never have before. It has brought maturity and growth...and some new friends!
5) Who has been your favorite artist interview?
I love to talk with Mark Schulz and Matthew West. They have interesting lives and are so personable. They're also great storytellers, making them easy interviews.
6) What is your favorite promotion that His Radio has ever done?
This May we had a contest that allowed youth groups to email entries via HisRadio.com. The youth group with the most entries won a private pizza party and concert for their youth group with Echoing Angels. We only allowed one entry per person. It became very viral very quickly. Kids were texting, emailing, posting bulletins on Myspace and doing anything else they could to get as many votes as possible. Before the contest started, I expected about 500 entries. In a five-day period, I had received 10,000 entries! We received entries from states on the other side of the country and even some entries from the other side of the world. It was incredible!
7) If you could imagine yourself working outside the music business, what would you like to try your hand at?
I'd love to work in PR for the St. Louis Cardinals.
8) Who has had the biggest impact on these facets of your life: personal, professional and spiritual? Why?
Spiritual: My pastor at my church back home in St. Louis, Ron Tucker. When I rededicated my life at age 25, he was the one who made me understand the relationship we can have with God. I didn't know that Christianity wasn't a bunch of rules and that it is about knowing God, his Word and being in relationship with him.
Professional: Rob Dempsey and John Frost. Dempsey keeps me "real" on the air. John Frost has given me guidance to be the best talent I can be. I'm still working on that by the way.
Personal: My parents. They're so loving and accepting. They might be my biggest fans; they might be my only fans! I love them!
9) What book have you read that has touched you or taught you the most?
I'm not much of a reader, but I have been reading a book lately. It's Joyce Meyer's new book, "I Dare You." It's about living life with purpose and passion. This one has potential to renew my mind.
10) What is the most precious memory of your life so far?
Feeling the start of a beautiful life is a great memory for me. I'm not married and I don't have kids of my own, but I remember the first time I felt my nieces and my nephew and they each moved inside my sisters' bellies. I pray that some day they'll be able to experience the same with me.
Bonus Questions
1) What's in your CD player right now?
A CD of some of my favorite CCM songs, country songs and songs from the '80s
2) Do you have musical guilty pleasures?
I've been getting into some country lately, but '80s music rocks.
3) Cat or dog person?
Dog. If my life wasn't so busy, I'd like a Shi Tzu and a darling purse to carry it around in.
4) If you were stranded on a deserted island, what three things would you want with you and why?
Bug spray (just in case), a supply of food and water, and a lifeboat with GPS
5) Favorite TV program of all-time?
"Cheers" or "The Brady Bunch." I'll watch either of them when I see they're on.