10 Questions with ... Meredith Andrews
May 24, 2010
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- Word Records
- As Long As It Takes (2010)
- The Invitation (2008)
1) What is the message behind your new album "As Long As It Takes"?
Writing for my sophomore album proved to be nothing short of challenging, and I found myself striving so hard and putting unnecessary pressure on myself to create a project that would be better than the first. Yet in my struggle to come up with something worth saying, the Lord's gentle whisper became clear: "Wait on Me." Stop with the striving and straining and simply be still. Draw near to God and he will draw near to you. Find your rest not in the approval of man but in the love of Jesus. In learning to wait on the Lord "as long as it takes," these songs were born.
2) What's the story behind the latest single "Can Anybody Hear Me"?
Our lives consist of different seasons: some pleasant, others not so much; some valleys, some mountaintops. When I wrote "Can Anybody Hear Me," I was experiencing a season of silence from God. I felt completely numb spiritually and was desperate to get back to a place where I could hear his voice and feel his presence again. In my desperation I realized that God was not afraid of my questions, that in fact, he wanted me to pour my heart out to him holding nothing back. After all, he already knew my thoughts and struggles at the core. When I laid out my honest queries, I was met with the unfailing promise of God, that no matter what season of life I was walking through and regardless of what I felt, NOTHING could separate me from the love of Jesus Christ (Romans 8:38-39). That is what we have to cling to when we feel like God is far away: the unwavering truth that he will never leave us even in our most difficult of seasons. He is working in our midst even when we are unable to see his hand.
3) Do you have favorite song on the album?
That's a tough one. Each song has a very special place in my heart and a unique significance in my own journey of faith, yet the title track, "As Long As It Takes," is the most personal and vulnerable. It's my heart on my sleeve and the song that the Lord continually uses to bring me back to a sweet place of rest and freedom in just knowing who he is.
4) What was your secret to getting over the sophomore hump in making this new record?
My secret? Not trying to figure out in myself what needed to be portrayed on this record. I had to throw off the pressure of "the sophomore hump" and all that entailed. I shut out the chaos, other voices and my own insecurities, and I did that by quieting my heart, digging into God's Word, searching my soul and listening for the Lord's voice.
5) Any funny, inspiring or interesting stories to tell from your visits to radio stations?
I recently visited WCSG in Grand Rapids. During the morning show, a very exuberant guy named Steve called in to say how he had been blessed by my music and the ministry of the station. He went on to explain that he and his granddaughter were on their way to the hospital for "an emergency facelift" due to a reaction to chemical exposure, but he seemed unfazed by their condition and was "giving glory to God" (as he kept exclaiming) the whole way. I was so baffled by their bizarre story yet encouraged by his joy in the midst of suffering! I'll probably never hear of a listener receiving an emergency facelift again, but one thing's for certain, I'll never forget Steve!
6) What was a highlight of 2009 for you?
In some ways 2009 is a blur due to my extended time on the road and other amazing opportunities along the way. It was through many of these opportunities that God grew me in the area of trusting him with my dreams, my life and my ministry, and I realized on a deeper level that these things were never mine in the first place. Everything I have has been given to me, entrusted to me by a sovereign, loving God, and I am acting only out of pride and foolishness when I try to control my future. There is so much freedom in handing it all over to the One who holds the universe.
Some of the highlights and memories of 2009 include tours with Natalie Grant, Chris Sligh, Michael W. Smith, Todd Agnew and Rush of Fools. I had the opportunities to write with some of my heroes in songwriting including Paul Baloche, Jason Ingram, Jared Anderson, Stu G of Delirious, Tiffany Lee of Plumb and Ben Fielding of Hillsong. Tracking for my second record and recording a Christmas song will also go down as some of the most memorable experiences of 2009.
7) How much time do you get to spend at your home church in Chicago?
On average, I am on the road half the year and home at Harvest the other half. My church has been so gracious to let me travel, and I am so thankful for such community, accountability, support and Biblical teaching that lays such a strong foundation for my life and ministry.
8) What has been the most surprising thing about the business?
I have been pleasantly surprised by the number of industry people who are truly passionate about equipping the Church, inspiring and challenging believers, and spreading the message of the Gospel through music. I am honored to be a part of what God is doing through Christian music these days.
9) Who inspires you personally, professionally and/or spiritually?
My husband Jacob in his humility and wisdom. My best friend Kristi in the way she loves people. Jason Ingram in his pure motivation and raw songwriting talent. My pastor, James MacDonald, in the way he so effectively communicates God's Word.
10) What do you have coming up in 2010?
We are doing a tour with my pastor in which we will partner with his radio ministry, Walk In The Word. For me, it's the best of both worlds: still being able to serve alongside my church while being on the road at the same time. Jacob and I will be moving into our first house, playing festivals and conferences and visiting our families down South this summer. Only the Lord knows what the fall holds but stay tuned for a few big announcements to come. [Smile]