10 Questions with ... James Russell Borasio Jr.
May 28, 2007
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NAME:James Russell Borasio Jr. AKA 'J.R.' and in another life just 'Borasio'TITLE:Morning Show / Creative Services / ImagingSTATION:92.9 KAFF- FM/93.9 The Mountain KMGNMARKET: Flagstaff / Prescott, ArizonaCOMPANY:Guyann Corporation / Great Circle RadioBORN:March 4, 1972 in Livingston, New JerseyRAISED:New Jersey, New York metro area
Please outline your radio career so far:
1994-1996 WDHA Dover N.J. 1996-2001 WKTU New
York City and 105.1 FM in NYC during WBIX - Big 105, WTJM - Jammin105, and WWPR Power 105.
1) What got you interested in radio, and what was your first job?
I wanted to be a club jock, MixMaster. I started spinnin' in clubs and eventually got an internship at WDHA in 1994. They gave me my first "official" position driving the station promotions van, eventually did holiday fill in on the air and the rest is history.
2) If you were just starting out in broadcasting, knowing now what you didn't know then, would you still do it?
Absolutely, this is the best gig in the world, as long as you don't let the corporate politics and sales issues get to you and just have fun.
3) In today's homogenized world of radio, how do you "localize" and how do you get into your listeners head whether they are on the job, in the car or at home?
Relate Relate Relate, its actually pretty simple.
I think most people like to think they are special and unique, WE'RE NOT! If you just talk about things that have happened or are happening in your own life, you will be surprised how many listeners will have a similar situation or story and can relate with you!
4) There are so many choices today. Radio competes with the Internet, TV, cell-phones, video games. How important is radio to the average person today?
I'd like to think radio will never be phased out by evolving technology. Radio has been there since "forever" and I believe it plays a very important role in society. I think its one of those things we take for granted, like TV, or the telephone.
5) What is the most unique characteristic of your market and your station?
I am new to Arizona, and to KAFF Country, I just started April 1, 2007. Being From New York it's hard to impress me. So far I think this is a beautiful part of the country, both geographically and socially. The people are great and the landscape is gorgeous, plus its always 30 degrees cooler than Phoenix (ha ha).
6) If you could change one thing about the current state of radio, what would you change?
"Society at Large." Why has it become that just one listener can get some of the best talents in the industry fired if they take something a jock says the wrong way? I'd like people have a better sense of humor and not be so critical and oversensitive.
7) How did 9/11 change you personally?
I was producing the KTU Morning show on that morning. We saw EVERYTHING first hand. It changed my life forever. It's still not easy to talk about. My heart and prayers go out EVERYDAY to all who were affected
8) What gets you upset at work and how do you channel your anger?
Would it be wrong to say my new co-host? (just kidding or am I? ) I mean lets be honest, it's radio. If you enjoy your job like I do IT'S NOT THAT STRESSFUL.
9) In today's world of multi-tasking and wearing many hats, how do you find time to show prep and what sources do you use?
We typically do show prep for the next day after we get off the air, then we recap the plan in the morning. We use all the usual sources; radio, on-line, AP and newspapers are good for local topics.
10) As an air-talent how has consolidation helped or hurt you?
Both, I was let go from my last company due to budget cuts and consolidation. On the other hand that opened an opportunity for me to explore other opportunities, like moving out west to Arizona. It all worked itself out.
Bonus Questions
1) You just won the lotto and you have your boss on the line. What's the first thing that you would say?
If I give ya ten bucks, will ya go get us coffee?
2) What's your favorite fast food?
3) What "reality show" could you see yourself appearing on and why?
It's not yet created, it revolves around our morning show, LOOK FOR IT SOON!
4) What's your favorite thing to do in your spare time?