10 Questions with ... Nick Strassel
May 29, 2007
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NAME:Nick StrasselLAST WITH:WKPE (Classic Rock 104.7 The Rocket)PHONE:(774) 283-0136EMAIL:Nick1047@hotmail.com
Please begin by giving us a brief career history ...
I started in the radio business by helping my friend Dennis do his college radio show at North Adams State College in MA. After helping with one shift, I had the radio bug. I started doing my own college show on 91.1 WJJW/North Adams. When I came home for summer vacation I interned at Rock 104.7 The Cape WKPE. After college, Dan Towers hired me as a part time announcer for WKPE. From there, I did traffic, nights, production, mornings and finished up as PD and morning show host.
1) What do you do to maintain a positive mental attitude and stay motivated?
I just try and realize that everyone goes through ups and downs in this industry, and it is all a part of life.
2) How are you occupying your time, besides looking for a job?
I'm doing a lot of kayaking and fishing. I'm also trying to fix up my new house ... I'm no carpenter.
3) Some people get discouraged or enlightened with the business when they actually step out of it for a while. Tell us your observations from the outside.
Every time I turn on the radio it hurts. I feel like I'm missing a big part of my life. When you work somewhere for 10 years, it becomes a part of you, and the people I worked with became family.
4) Do you plan on sticking with the radio industry?
Yes, I miss it too much not to.
5) What's the longest stretch you've had on the beach?
So far just a few weeks, but I'm hoping to be back behind the mic soon.
6) What's the best way to get your foot in the door?
Intern and be persistent with phone calls. I harassed my old PD for weeks before I got hired. Don't shy away from jobs like traffic, promotions, or continuity. The more you know in the business, the better your chances are of landing a job.
7) What has been your best resource for finding out about job openings?
AllAccess.com, and friends in the business.
8) What is the next job you'd like to obtain?
I'd love to work in Boston.
9) What's the most unbelievable question you've ever been asked in an interview?
I was once asked "If you could be any animal, what would it be and why?" I went with dolphin as my answer, because they always seem happy. I ended up turning down the job.
10) What do you miss most about radio? The least?
I miss the listeners and my coworkers. I had a group of listeners who would call the station on a regular basis, and they became a big part of my day. What I miss the least is the constant overflow of production to be done on Fridays. Our sales staff had the uncanny ability to save all of their production for Friday afternoon. Most Fridays I would work a 15-hour shift just to get all of the prod taken care of.
Bonus Questions
BONUS QUESTION: Care to contribute a low-cost recipe to our "ON THE BEACH" cookbook?
Crock Pot Ribs (Easy and Cheap)
1 pound of boneless pork country style ribs
1 white onion
2 cloves of garlic
2 bottles of barbecue sauce (I prefer Sweet Baby Ray's Spicy)
3 teaspoons of hot sauce
1 tablespoon of brown sugar
4 teaspoons of cayenne pepperSteps
1. Set the crock pot on low.
2. Throw the ribs into the crock pot.
3. cut the onion into tiny pieces and put in with ribs.
4. Press the garlic and add that into the crock pot.
5. Put remaining ingredients in crock pot, cover, stir occasionally.
6. 4-5 hours later you have some spicy ribs to eat. -