10 Questions with ... Fritz
February 2, 2010
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1) What was your first job in radio? Early influences?
I took a gig doing nights at the worst radio station to ever exist ... Star 96.7 in Port Jervis, NY. I was paid 6 bucks an hour and I sucked. We had a lawnmower engine as a backup generator for when the station regularly lost power. That led me to part-time at WRRV in Poughkeepsie, though ... so it got my resume started.
2) If you were just starting out in radio, knowing now what you didn't then, would you still do it?
No. When I started, you earned your stripes by doing weekend overnights ... promotions ... washing station vans ... and you were proud to do it. Those opportunities don't exist anymore. Everybody just wants to go from broadcasting school to being a star. Don't get me wrong ... I am happy to be where I am after 15 years in the biz. I just wouldn't want to be a kid in this economy looking to score a full-time gig in radio. We are all lucky to have jobs. It sucks that this is how the industry has evolved, but it makes us all perform better to keep what we have.
3) What can we be doing with our station web sites to better our stations as a whole?
It has been drilled into our heads that online content is huge. I used to have my doubts, but when we put up a good interview ... or video from the morning show, our blog gets big spikes. People want things on demand; you must cater to them. If they hear a porn star on my show and I promote that video of the interview will be up in a few minutes, they go ... they check it out!
4) Who is your favorite air personality not on your staff?
A guy named Boomer that was one of my bosses when I was new in the biz at KWOD in Sacramento. That guy could make a seven-second song intro entertaining. I learned so much about how to present myself on-air from listening to him. His style is so casual ... yet so entertaining without trying. He recently re-launched KWOD online ... now that's passion for a product!
5) What's your take on current music? Is it as good as six months ago, better, or about the same?
The same. Everything (to me) sounds the same. Rock music has become very generic (again ... to me). I was so excited that the new Alice in Chains was so good. I feel like we are due for a rock revolution. Since grunge, nobody seems to get the format crazy! I want crazy! Don't get me wrong ... I like most of the bands we play. Bands are putting out solid music, but let's fucking revolt! We need something new ... something different.
6) If you could add any one full-time position to your budget with no questions asked, what would it be?
A morning show producer! I know it's a lot to ask for these days, but I can dream. I do all the guest booking ... I edit everything ... my sidekick produces everything ... I make the schedule for the AM show. Would be nice to have someone fill in the blanks for us. Hell ... be nice for someone to screen phones. MORE important than my needs ... a promotions assistant would be very helpful.
7) What is the one truth that has held constant throughout your career?
I am never happy with my on-air performance. I want to be better; I am never happy when we air check. I constantly think, "I should have set that up better..."or "I wish I had cut that guest off sooner...". It's a never-ending process to be the best I can be. Our morning show ratings have been great, but I want better.
8) What was the biggest gaffe you've made on-air?
When I was at KQRC, I had Damageplan in for a live interview my second day on the job. Nobody told me that the seven-second delay wasn't on. Didn't take. Dime a minute before throwing out a "F" bomb ... when I went to dump ... nothing. There were a few more bombs ... worst start to a new gig. RIP Dime.
9) How do you keep tabs on the competition? When your competition attacks you on the air, how do you react?
We don't. Our competition mentions us more in their imaging than I think we do. It's awesome. If somebody turns to "them"... within minutes they are reminded who the Big Dog is in town.
10) How do you market your radio station?
WEBN is a "brand" -- 43 years as a Rock station is so unique. The greatest compliment we get is when a younger person will call and say, "My Dad and I both think WEBN rocks!". The station's billboards through the years are legendary. The "Frog" mascot is the most recognized figure in Cincinnati. You see it everywhere. Even the Reds and Bengals can't touch the Frog! WEBN's history in Cincinnati is a marketing tool that nobody can touch.
Bonus Questions
What are your three favorite artists or songs of this year?
I loved the last Hurt album ... thought "Wars" should have been a #1 single. I still can't get enough of the Foo Fighters ... wish they would give us a new album every year. For us, anytime we give Mudvayne a few spins, they will test huge. Great artist for us.
Tell us what music we would find on your car or home CD player (or turntable) right now and what is it you enjoy about that particular selection?
As I type this I'm listening to a live David Bowie CD. Love it ... cause it's not my format. I LOVE heavy music ... Pantera ... Mudvayne ... but when I get to listen to something like Bowie it's down time for me. Everybody needs down time
What career path would you be following had it not been for this industry?
My backup plan is to own my own hot dog cart called "Rock n Roll Dawgz." It's gonna be big.
Who would be your dream guest on the show?
Doug LaGambina.
In your opinion, what is the greatest song ever that never made it as a hit?
"Pants on the Ground."