Pass the Sunscreen
June 2, 2010
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Strawberry shortcake with real whipped cream is on the menu, while her kids are running through the sprinkler and Dad naps on a porch swing. It's a picture-perfect time for some, enjoying the nice weather after a long winter. Throw in some fireflies, a juicy hot dog at a baseball game, and the occasional water balloon, and summer has arrived. She stores away her winter gear and takes coats and sweaters to the dry cleaner for proper care and costly packaging. School is not quite finished for some, leaving time to purchase those much needed camp supplies. Shorts, tank tops, flip-flops, and socks are purchased as her kids keep growing. She shops for similar items for herself, as she secretly wishes there were a cure for the swimsuit blues. After childbirth, surgeries, and sitting at a desk from 9 to 5, her body has changed. Life changes too as she begins to shift gears into her summer schedule. Whether she's married or single, a new routine happens. Perhaps she enrolls in a class or joins a softball team. She moves through this changing time with the usual stress of day-to-day life, which normally does not equal one big thing but lots of little nit-picky stuff. Learning to say, "I'm sorry, I can't volunteer for that fundraiser," or "I can't baby sit your kids," or "No, I'm not available to host this year's Fourth of July picnic" could be very healthy and empowering for her. Otherwise, her caffeine-fueled days could turn into one big loud ROAR.
June is..
- The start of summer break for most schools in the United States
- Wedding season
- National Safety Month www.ncs.org
- National Dairy Month www.nationaldairycouncil.org
Coming soon...
- July 4 is Independence Day: meanwhile, kids and any fireworks must be supervised.
She Buzz Words!
- Cellulite
- Smoothie
- Report Card
- Mouthwash
Right now she could be:
- Pumping iron
- Applying a self-tanner
- Filling an ice-cube tray
- Editing a manuscript
She question
How does she spend her Saturday morning? Redbook magazine recently showed these results:
- 36% me-time
- 34% cleaning-time
- 17% kid-time
- 13% husband-time
She likes it when...
A bottle of water costs less than one dollar.
She surfs
www.Snagajob.com: touted as the #1 source for hourly employment
She questions...
- What was her first job as a teenager?
- Economy conscious she's are saving bucks on their designer duds by shopping at thrift stores.
What is her best thrift shop find?
She surfs
www.Snagajob.com: touted as the #1 source for hourly employment .
She says but really means...
Here are some more take offs from Cookie magazine's examples of a woman's attempt to help achieve great communication with her husband.
- What she says: "I can't believe Brittany and Michael are growing up so fast. Brittany wasn't even in school this time last year."
- What she means: "Warning, I want to talk about having another baby."
- What she says: "Please pass the butter."
- What she means: "I'm suffocating! I'm overworked, overwhelmed, and I can't stand keeping track of everything."
- What she says: "No, really, I like the mustache you're growing...really."
- What she means: Take a guess
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