God Bless America...
July 2, 2010
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...and the women who keep it running! It's a holiday weekend, and that can mean planning the annual barbeque, family gatherings, and vacations. The Fourth falls on Sunday. If she is able, she's taking Monday off so she can get the most out of this holiday. She's making her famous potato salad or picking up hot dog buns for the neighborhood block party (don't forget to clean the pool), and making sure her kids are slathered in sunscreen and fitted in clothing that is hot- and cold weather appropriate. Afterward, she must clean up, pack the next day's summer camp bag for her kid, and be ready to get up for work the next day. She wonders why every holiday has to be so much work, but she gets over herself as she eats a funnel cake while enjoying the fireworks. If she is working, she can use the Fourth of July as a prime opportunity to receive holiday pay or extra comp days. Comp days are a hot commodity for moms who must adhere to a school calendar during the rest of the year. Her kids have many days off that she does not. Conveniently, there's plenty of shopping to be done this week and most summer items are being moved to the clearance rack, while fall merchandise will soon be creeping into her favorite store. The good news: She will finally get a few of the summer clothes she's been wanting, if she can find her size.
She buzz words
- Sunblock
- Sparkler
- Bug-Off
- Parade
Right now she could be
- Braiding hair
- Decorating her house for the Fourth of July
- Cleaning out her car
- Playing "I Spy"
She's talking about!
Vacationing with your dog can be tricky, depending on where you visit. Here are the top five best cities to take your pooch in the U.S or Canada. www.dogfriendly.com
- Boston
- Vancouver, Canada
- New York City
- San Francisco
- Austin, Texas
She'd be queen for a day if...
- Sand would stay on the beach and not make its way into her bed sheets
- She wouldn't take it so personally when her tomato plants turn brown
She Safe
There are about 76 million cases of food poisoning a year in the U.S., many resulting in hospitalizations and some in death. Salad bars can make a lovely meal, provided all the ingredients are fresh, but summer heat could make your favorite pay-by- the-pound salad bar a dangerous place to eat. Simply put, keep ot foods hot and cold foods cold. The National Restaurant Association recommends that salad bars check these temperatures every two hours. In two hours, the summer sun can turn some foods into choice breeding grounds for bacteria.
Here are some foods to scrutinize or avoid when eating at a deli salad bar during a hot day:
- Foods with a mayonnaise base, like tuna or chicken salad
- Yogurt and cottage cheese
- Sushi
- Grilled fish and meat
- Unpeeled fruits and shellfish
She question...
What's her favorite thing to do on vacation: Sleep, antique, or spend quality family time?
She quote!
"How important it is for us to recognize our heroes and she-roes!" - Maya Angelou
She Facts
- 45 million Americans do not have health insurance
- 27 million working Americans are without health insurance
- At 8%, Minnesota has the lowest rate of uninsured people
- At 30%, Texas has the highest rate (source: Redbook magazine)
She Shoe
Can a shoe really tone your body? She's thinking about purchasing FitFlops. Walking in these shoes supposedly stimulates your glutes and quads with a secret mid-sole lining that is engineered to work those muscles.
She Travel
Traveling with valuables causes her to be overprotective, or perhaps vacation brings out the air-head in her. She can keep tabs on her prized possessions with BoomerangIt tags. They stick on anything, such as luggage, cell phones, and baby toys. The tag reads, "Return For Reward." If someone happens to find the missing object and reports it to the number listed, BoomerangIt will return your item, for a nominal service charge. www.boomerangit.com
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