What You Alone Can Do
October 2, 2018
Have an opinion? Add your comment below. What unique gift do you possess? What talent makes you unique in the world of broadcast radio? What is it you can do at your station that no one else can do? What is it you can do that no one else can imagine anyone else being able to do as well?
What unique gift do you possess?
What talent makes you unique in the world of broadcast radio?
What is it you can do at your station that no one else can do?
What is it you can do that no one else can imagine anyone else being able to do as well?
- Read liners?
- Schedule music?
- Plan contests and promotions?
- Prepare budgets?
- Manage a staff?
- Coach air talent?
If you ask the question, and the answer is not stark and compelling, that's a problem.
And the sooner you recognize it, and start to change it, the more secure your job will be.