10 Questions with ... Maney
May 9, 2017
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Mornings in Little Rock, Tucson, Sacramento, Memphis and Charlotte.
1) How would you describe your first radio gig?
KHTE Little Rock - it was a learning experience.
2) What led you to a career in radio?
I grew up in NJ listening to Howard, Imus, Scott Shannon and WFAN, thinking ... I want people to hear me on the radio!
3) How would you describe the radio landscape in your market?
Super-competitive. Bob and Sherri, Ace and TJ. John Boy and Billy, just to name a few. So many great heritage morning shows in this market. It's an honor to be #1!
4) What makes your station unique? How would you compare it to other stations you've worked at?
Kiss is a great brand. It's the heritage Top 40. It's cool knowing so many people grew up with Kiss 951. Because of that, we have to be better than the competition when it comes to being local, bringing great artist experiences, and being everything Charlotte!
5) What are you doing social media-wise?
Love Insta, I'm not huge on FB because it got way too political, Snap is great but not user-friendly ... and Twitter is a great place to connect.
6) What are your favorite show prep sources?
We've been with Dr. Dave forever! Love his ultimate prep and audio resources.
7) What artist would we be surprised to find on your personal playlist?
The Rippingtons! Man, I love Weather Channel music!
8) What's the most unbelievable on-air bit you were allowed to do?
We had a duck pooping on squares one morning to giveaway a PS4. Also in 1999 we did a contest called "N Stink" and people had to sit in Porta-Pottys
9) What was your favorite station to listen to when you were a kid?
WPLJ. I loved the Top 40 war going on in NYC back in the late '80s/early '90s.
10) Who were your mentors? Who would you say has influenced your career the most?
Lukas, Elvis Duran, Howard Stern, Paul Cubby Bryant and Mojo. Plus, Mark Medina. I only worked with him for a year but it was a thrill to watch and learn from him.
Bonus Questions
What's the biggest gaffe you've made on air?
I didn't know Pat Monahan from Train's name in 2001. He was like, how do you not know that?