10 Questions with ... Jimmy Knight
February 12, 2008
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NAME:Jimmy KnightPOSITION:PD/afternoonsSTATION:WAZY and WBPEMARKET:Lafayette, INOWNER:Artistic Media Partners, Inc.
Please outline your radio career so far:
KCCK/Cedar Rapids, IA
KSTZ/Des Moines, IA
KPRS-KCKN/Kansas City, MO
WMT-KKRQ/Cedar Rapids-Iowa City, IA
WIFC/Wausau, WI
WAOA/Melbourne, FL
And now living the dream... PD/afternoons at WAZY/Lafayette, IN!1) How would you describe your first radio gig?
A dream job! I was able to choose my own music and pretty much do whatever I wanted. However, it was at a Jazz station so I only knew five really good songs. All I can say is, if you're working at a Jazz station and "Christmas in Hollis" by RUN DMC is on a record ...DON'T PLAY IT! I did my first night and my PD hot-lined me and told me if I ever played that again I would be fired!
2) What led you to a career in radio?
I found out I could get paid to have fun and entertain!
3) Are you wearing more "hats" than you have in the past?
In radio, you MUST wear multiple hats! Otherwise the GM will find someone who will. I'm currently the PD and Promotions Director for two stations, a MD (who schedules everything manually), afternoon host, I voicetrack two shows, and the list goes on and on!
4) What is your favorite part of the job?
It's a tie between the 10 seconds before I go on the air and the feeling I get before I crack the mic (even after eight years) ... and hearing my morning show the day after I teach them something and they implement it perfectly!
5) What's one thing that would surprise many people to learn about you?
I don't yell. I consider myself to be the Tony Dungy of managing air staff. Nobody learns or retains anything when you are yelling or raising your voice at them. Talk calm and be positive ... it works every time.
6) Could you give us a little insight into your on air staff?
My morning show is awesome! Tara Madison and Jake learn quickly and "get it." I really don't know what I would do without Jake's guitar!
My midday girl Rachel Morgan VT's from Melbourne, FL, but she sounds like she has lived in Lafayette her whole life. No wonder our middays are #1!
I do afternoons, and I'm simply a product of great teaching and motivation. Without Gordon Paulson, Jim Schaefer, Sam Weaver, Jeff Charney, Erin Bristol, JJ Cook, John Cruz, Greg Runyon, Johnny J, Beau Richards, Tony Banks, Karen Rite, Jack Swart and Arthur Angotti ... I would not be where I am today!
As for nights, I did something new and innovative. each morning I get the whole staff together and voicetrack it. It's the "WAZY All-Stars!" It sounds bigger and better then Open House Party ... and the ratings show that it works!
The weekends are held together by production star Kym, DJ Stickyboots, DJ Cryptic, DJ Incite and Big John, who reminds me of myself when I started out. He wants to do anything and everything ... sponging it up! He's a rock star!
7) If you could add one full-time position to your budget right now, what would it be?
It's a tie between an in-house engineer and a promotions director.
8) Who is your favorite air personality not on your staff and why do you like them?
Belky from WIFC in Wausau, WI. I would hire him in a minute if I could pull him away from his family and friends! He has so much passion, heart and talent, it's ridiculous!
9) Do you have a favorite hobby outside of radio?
Running and watching movies.
10) What is it about our industry that keeps you wanting to do it for a living?
I absolutely love what I do and I've never considered what I do "work."
Bonus Questions
What ringtone do you have on your cell?
"Eye of the tiger." It's been the same for the past eight years!