10 Questions with ... Big Mike Elwood
March 13, 2007
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NAME:Big Mike ElwoodPOSITION:PDSTATION:KWIN/KWNNMARKET:Stockton/ModestoCOMPANY:CitadelBORN:French Camp, CARAISED:Calaveras County And Stockton
I was initially hired as a morning show. I really got into digital editing and commercial production, which led to my first title, Production Director. A cool cat, LOOBIE DOOBIE, taught me some imaging skills. I then went to RENO to start up two new stations (Q102/Reno and KPTL-A/CARSON CITY for then SILVERADO BROADCASTING. I was OM at KPTL-A and did imaging and nights at Q102. I got home sick and sick of snow and I came back to CALI to help a friend launch KSRT/SANTA ROSA. After the launch I came back to STOCKTON. CITADEL bought SILVERADO's stations. My PD, JOHN CHRISTIAN made me his APD, and when he moved on, I became PD. This all happened in a period of six years.
1. What was your last non-Industry job?
I was a Club DJ/Bouncer, and a Mobile Dj.
2. What got you interested in Radio?
Music has always been an important part of my life, and when I saw what you could do with the SAW32 program I had to learn more!
3. Having fun with your morning show?
My Morning Show keeps me on my toes. This month they made National news once and local news twice. AMANDA KING is a pleasure to work with. NOBODY is more community driven, and all about the listeners...and she keeps the crazy one (DOUBLE J) from getting us all fired! I remember about 6 years ago the late, great RICK CHASE was talking to me about this guy he liked, that did the drops and had good music beds, and was funny...and that's the guy we have now, DOUBLE J!
4 What's the highlight of your career radio to date?
The highlight of my career will always be the time I got to spend with RICK CHASE, as his roomie and co worker.
5. How do you generally start your day at KWIN?
I read my 30 to 70 emails (usually about my morning show), then hit my 10 to 30 phone messages (usually about my morning show) then I check out All Access (shameless plug for my buddy PETE)
6. If you could do one thing over in your career, what would it be?
I am always moving forward...no time for regret!!
7. Who do you consider to be your mentor(s)?
My mentors would be LOUIE CRUZ, JOHN CHRISTIAN, RICK CHASE, PANAMA and right now the guy that has really helped me with the PD side of things is MICHAEL NEWMAN.
8. Two thugs are about to jump you, what label rep/exec do you want jumping in to help fight off the thugs?
Only 2? Come on man, I'm from Stockton!!! I'd call LANCE WALDEN or BRIAN SAMSON, they got my back!
9. Would you rather sing the National Anthem at a 49er game or play in the game?
First of all, you wouldn't catch me watchin' the fourty whiners. I'm a RAIDERS fan, but at that game I'd rather sit in the stands and eat hot dogs.
10. If you were to leave Radio today and you could choose any other occupation, what would it be?
I'd go into music production, or maybe a male stripper......I can make it clap!
Bonus Questions
Bonus: It seems like you're having fun. What about programming a radio station puts a smile on your face?
Seeing the kids light up when we come around and giveaway stuff, and seeing a song you had a "gut feeling" about, end up top ten.
BONUS . You just found a genie in a bottle...you get 3 wishes but the have to be radio related. What are they?
WISH 1.....NO COMMERCIALS....sorry about that sales.
WISH 2....All on-air talent comes with a psychiatrist.
WISH 3....My signal was 100,000 watts! -