10 Questions with ... McConnell Adams
April 17, 2007
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POSITION:PD/AfternoonsSTATION:KFATMARKET:Anchorage, AKCOMPANY:New Northwest Broadcasters RadioBORN:Greenville, MSRAISED:Detroit, MI
Got into radio right after high school and jumped in head first at Central Michigan University. First professional gig B-95 in Battle Creek with the mighty Joe Dawson. Couple of stints in Saginaw at then 100.5 The Fox and WIOG (Mark Anderson and Brent Carey), Traverse City (106.7 The Peak) Detroit at 96.3 Jamz under Gillette and DRQ under Alex Tear. Dallas at K-104 with Skip Cheatem (learned a lot). Fort Wayne at Wild 96.3 (what up Mojo...I finally made it to ten questions BOYEEEEE! and now as far away as a brother could get in Anchorage at KFAT 92-9! Honestly, I took this job to get the hell away from Mojo!
1. How was your first Alaskan winter?
Not too bad. I'm from Michigan and a couple of years in Gaylord could practically prepare you for any winter! The only thing that took getting used to was the lack of daylight in the middle of winter. And the freakin' moose! Moose count to date that I've seen since I've been here...22. And one night while I was leaving the station, I didn't notice one was lurking in the parking lot...like a couple of feet away from me and the car. When I realized it was there I almost shit myself cause if they are scared or threatened, they'll trample your ass! My mom is worried for my safety. She thinks they bite.
2. What was your last non-Industry gig?
I just got the announcer gig for our new professional indoor football team, The Alaska Wild! I get to pretend I'm Micheal Buffer. Problem is we have a lot of Samoan players on our team and they have got some wicked names and if you get them wrong, they kind of take it as an insult. So I had to spend a couple of days making sure how to say the names right. Or get my ass kicked. They are some big boys...smallest one...300 pounds. Hey, maybe I should see if he can handle my moose problem.
3. What got you interested in Radio?
When I was growing up in Mississippi, we had no real radio stations. I lived in Greenville, MS and the one station we all listened to was...and this is no joke...these are the real call letters...WBAD! I think they are still around. Bad 94 FM! And they were. Terrible. I came to visit my dad in Detroit and that's when I first heard WJLB and was like...Oh my god this is the shit! I wanna do that. And my dad was like an accountant for the state and I wanted to do something as far removed from that as I could.
4. Do you work with a consultant?
Mark St. John from Zapoleon is my man! We worked together before in Ft. Wayne when I was at My 103.9! Mark is that guy. He practically knows what I'm thinking and we compliment each other very well. He is a tremendous asset.
5. You've been at KFAT for awhile now. What's been the biggest surprise about the Anchorage market?
Folks are very active outside and as it gets warmer, they are out doing tons of stuff. And because we are so far removed from everything, when stuff comes here (artist, movies, exhibits) they flock to it! Lil Scrappy showed up and folks were shelling out $40 bucks a ticket for him. We got Young Buck on the way and people are dying to see him. So it's great when we can bring an artist in cause it going do well. And we're the only Rhythmic game in town so we win. Love it!
6. Relative to the female population of Anchorage and surrounding communities, is Anne Heche hot or not?
Hell no! But look who you're asking. Anne ain't my forte! And she screwed over Ellen. Come on! It's Ellen. How do you do that? I've heard of gay for pay but did it really do that much for her career? There are much better looking women here in Alaska than Anne Heche. And they would kick her scrawny lil ass!
7. How are the restaurants in Anchorage? I assume they have the usual fast food suspects but can you get a good variety of foods there?
Expensive! No state tax and being all the way up here...you paying out the ass no matter where you go. The 99 cent menu here is $1.50. Lots of sushi and a variety of Asian places. My morning show co-host (Kim from KFAT I love you) took me out for Korean the other day. And they eat halibut like its going out of style. Oh yeah...here's one for ya...they eat a lot of reindeer. Reindeer sausage...put that in your mouth. It's spicy!
8. You worked at WIOG/SAGINAW. Did you ever have to read or say "TITTABAWASSEE ROAD" live?
Yes...but it isn't as cool as bragging about putting spicy reindeer sausage in your mouth. That's hot! And I'm talking about the spicy-ness of the sausage. Damn I'm digging myself a pretty deep hole here.
9. You find a Genie in a bottle on a rocky lakeshore near Anchorage. You're granted 3 wishes for your radio station. Over a 17 second intro, what are those three wishes?
The KFAT Jetboat...or big ass charter/fishing boat, unlimited budget for promotions, and for a Tom Oakes (my general manager) to stop saying "Because I'm the general manager...that's why".
10. What artists new in 2006 and 2007 will Radio still be playing in Power rotation in 2010?
Fergie, Ne-Yo, Rihanna, Akon (I know he goes back beyond 2006), T-Pain, and Bow Wow...he just won't go away and his songs just keep charting. I got a pic of him back from the Billboard awards like in 99 or something and he was so small. Now the man is all growed up and he is still selling records like crazy. He'll be around for a bit.
Bonus Questions
BONUS . What's your dream market?
Man, I love Detroit. Say what you will but that's my home. Chicago wouldn't be bad...Hey Gillette, holla at your boy! And any place warm and tropical. Like the sweet gig my man J-Cruz got in the Cayman Islands. You lucky bastard!