10 Questions with ... Ebro Darden
August 3, 2010
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Started at KSFM/Sacramento in 1990. I worked in research, was a sales runner, a night show intern, co-hosted nights, co-hosted mornings (some things were happening simultaneously). I turned on 103.5 KBMB/Sacramento in 1997. I was PD, MD and did afternoons. I did double duty at KBMB as OM and co-hosted mornings a KXJM/Portland from June 1999 - 2001. I got fired from KBMB in 2001 and stayed on at KXJM unitil January 2003 when I started as MD at HOT 97 in New York.
1. What got you interested in Radio?
2. Looking back on your start in radio, do you see many "young Ebros" today? (for instance, in the hallways and studios at Hot)
Yes, I do.
3. What excites you the most about listening to Hot 97?
Its authenticity and its cultural relevance.
4. What's the highlight of your radio career to date?
Working at HOT 97 and being given the opportunity to help build a major market AM show.
5. You've been PD at Hot 97 for what, 5 years now? What's been biggest change in the market?
Uhhhhhh....there is never a dull moment in NY. If things are quiet too long, be very concerned!
6. You're a passionate fan of Hip Hop...and music, in general. Do you get the chance to listen to much music during your day? Do you have a favorite song right now?
I don't get to listen nearly as much as I used to. Favorite songs...Rick Ross "Free Mason", the NEW Kanye West, or the New Kid Cudi /f Kanye West. Oooooh! That new Jazmine Sullivan track.
7. In 10 Questions we normally talk about radio mentors. I'm wondering who OUTSIDE of radio and music has been a big influence on your life? .
My father.
8. How can record companies work better with stations and programmers?
By understanding what our business is and is not. Also, knowing the differences between brands/stations.
9. Steak or sushi?
10. If you were to leave Radio today and you could choose any other occupation, what would it be?
For the love - a high school principal, or Director of a mentoring program. For the money -- CMO
Bonus Questions
Let's play word association. What's the first thing that pops into your head when I say...
Funkmaster Flex? "Thank You" ...Angie Martinez? "Leader"
A freak gravitational shift has added three hours to everyday. What would you do with those extra three hours?
For the love --- Golf .... For the money --- Play more hits, more often