10 Questions with ... TJ Sanders
April 4, 2011
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Ski and boot salesman, bartender, musician, DJ beginning in 2000
1. How did you become interested in radio?
I listened to D.C. area radio. WHFS, DC 101 and a killer non-comm that had a great bluegrass show. These stations piqued my interest in being a DJ if the right opportunity came along.
2. How would you describe the music on the station?
Colorado's finest Rock: a nice blend of rockin' bands and singer-songwriters. Yes, we do like to rock a bit!
3. You wear several hats at the station - tell us about that.
It sucks! I also have many helmets -- ski, bicycle and motorcycle cranium protectors.
4. You are in an interesting situation with your market(s) - how does the station position its broad reach?
"Colorado's Finest Rock" and "Your Highway Information Station."
5. How do you stay in tune with your audience?
We connect with our audience by inviting community leaders to come in and tell us about issues. We also encourage listeners to call in and chat with us on the air. Of course, we use social media as well.
6. What are some of your biggest challenges as an independent station?
Did you ask a question regarding hats? Resources or the lack thereof!
7. What do you like best about working at a Triple A station?
The freedom to play great music.
8. Of all the skills you have gained through the years, is there an area you'd like to improve?
I would love to be proficient with all things technical. Improving my website and Photoshop skills are next on my list.
9. What is the one truth that has held constant throughout your career?
Good things will come your way if you are kind to your owner, manager, coworkers and audience.
10. If you wanted to completely change careers today, what would you do?
Documentary narrator.
Bonus Questions
What do you enjoy doing in your spare time away from work?
I liked to ski, bike ride, motorcycle, water ski and surf (when I am near a beach!).
Last non-industry job:
Seller of sin/bartender
First record ever purchased:
First concert:
Favorite band of all-time:
The Who